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We have a lot of space used by the report_history file. This file contains data of old deleted branches. Is there an easy way to cleanup the history?
On our development and test server whe do not use the secure connectionSo every time whe get this warning popup: Is there a way to switch it off ? For production whe are using a secure connection
Hello,It would be nice if there is a possibility for the handler logic to be variant dependent. Just like badge functionality, I would suggest adding a parameter @variant_id.An example usecase is where we have 2 screens in our application. The first screen disables the default edit button when the row has a specific status. The second screen is a screen available for some type of admins, where they can make changes to the row. However, because of the handler logic, the edit button will always be disabled when it reaches the specific status in all variants of the subject.As a workaround, we changed the handler logic to check if the user is an admin or not and disable the button based on that logic. However, I think it would be nice if we had access to a @variant_id parameter in the handler logic.
Hi, Would need assistance to guide how does a particular users change the order display of column on their view. example, below screen shot is a grid_only screentype, and the original column order showsD | Status | Customer reference | File A particular user wants to change the order of the column to Status | D | File | Customer reference How can they move the column and save their own layout, so after logout and login to the system they still able to see the last saved layout they made. But other users should not be affected, they should see the default unless they change. Is there a configuration on the system to allow this change for User? Or any recommendation to make the column order dynamic? Please help. Thank you in advance.
Hi everyone! This is my first blog, where I’ll explain some aspects of Form configuration in the Universal GUI. Let me introduce myself: I’m Mustafa Kazanc, new UX/UI Designer at Thinkwise and colleague of Bart Metselaar. In recent versions a couple of changes have been made to the behavior of the Form in the Universal GUI. This blog is meant to clarify the expected behavior and ways to override that behavior (based on Platform version 2024.3). 1. Default GUI behaviorThree key principles are applied to optimize the layout of Forms in the GUI, making it easier for users to navigate and input data efficiently. Principle 1 - Fields are stretched to cover the entire width of the Form Principle 2 - Fields are distributed following an N-pattern Principle 3 - Fields are dynamically positioned to minimize whitespace Principle 1: Fields are stretched to cover the entire width of the Form The Universal GUI divides the available width on the screen by the (minimum) Field width (px) to d
@Mark Jongeling a year a go you've provided a hotfix for this problem. After upgrading to 2024.2 it returned.. can you provide the same hotfix again for this issue?
For expansion of our application we want to add a complete translation for an other language than Dutch and English. We do not have access to AI functionalities due to company policies so we can’t use that.Is there a way to prepare translations in Excel and import those into SF/ IAM (or any other way)? Thanks in advance.
We have created a mobile App for a specific group of end users which uses Thinkwise as the backend. Within the backend there is a process with multiple tasks which represent themselves as dialogs. We want to call this process from the App using a deeplink. This works. The effect is that the Thinkwise Application desktop with side menu is also shown. This is from and endusers perspective a non-desirable situation. The tasks which show up as a pop-up are not a problem. Is there a possibility to hide the Thinkwise desktop when calling a process as a deeplink?We are using 2024.1.13
@Mark Jongeling @Arie V what is the status of the Global Configurations in the IAM? since which version they are neglected? It used to be that you had the option to set the globalconfiguration in the INI file and it would overrule the extended properties at application level.Platform version 2024.2 doesn't do this anymore. Can we reinstate the behaviour in any way? Or what are the alternatives? Now I have to have 2 applications with distinct session variable (ID) .. this used to be one where the global configuration steered the session variable (ID).
We have a model version with 2 applications. For each applicatie a user group (ad) can have different roles. When I apply the rights for a specific application to the database, it seems that the script is not based on the authorizations for the selected application. The scripts for both applications are the same only the use database differs. The script is also only adding members and not removing members. When rights are revoked I want to be able to remove the member from that database role. Am I using the wrong option or is it creating the wrong script?
Currently a detail reference needs rights on the source table, the target table and the reference all in one role in order to work. However, we want to be able separate the roles for the source table and target table and the detail should only be shown to users who have permissions on the source table (including the reference) and target table.For example a situation with a product table and a calculation table with each their own menu item and their own role, but also a reference showing calculation as a detail on product. Some users only have a the product role and some users have both roles. Only for the users with both roles the detail should be shown.The only work-around we currently have is giving the product role rights to the calculation table without any column rights. But this way it always shows the detail, just with no content for users who only have the product role (the universal GUI shows an infinite loading animation). Which is very ugly and user unfriendly. So this is
Join us for a day filled with the latest technology, inspiring developer stories, and plenty of opportunities to connect with the Thinkwise Community. See how new functionality is brought to life, share your ideas, and spark meaningful conversations. Date: 9th of April 2025Time: 09:00 – 17:00Location: Landgoed de Horst, De Horst 1, 3971 KR Driebergen What to expect?Technical deep dives: Learn from the experts as they explore specific features and topics in detail. Community showcases: Be inspired by real-world stories and innovative use cases shared by fellow developers. Open spaces: Join open spaces to share your feedback on all things Thinkwise. We want to hear from you! Roadmap: An update on the roadmap for the Thinkwise Platform. Please note that this event will be in Dutch. Register now About meI am Remco Kort and for the past five years I have worked at Thinkwise as a platform engineer (consultant). I have always had an interest in sharing knowledge and engaging with the communit
Can we please get a more user friendly version of cubes? Setting up a simple graph is more complicated than it should be. I feel like we could greatly benefit from having the UI/UX team having a look at cubes and think of a more refined way of creating cubes and graphs. Maybe adding a wizard to guide you through the creation process would be very helpful.
Badges are great for attracting the attention of the user. We’re for example using them to help our users see their pending actions in our ERP system. However, to see these badges the user needs to open the list bar group. This kind of defeats the purpose since the user now needs to search for the badges by opening the list bar groups instead of seeing the totals right away when they open the Universal GUI. IdeaMake it possible to show the sum of Badges on the List bar group, this way a user can easily see which items need his attention instead of only noticing this when they open a list bar group.