
Release notes Universal GUI 2024.2.12

July 8, 2024:Full release 2024.2.12 Hello everyone,In this release, we have improved the way cell data is copied from the grid, optimized performance in edit mode, and added support for report parameter properties action and Export path. We have also solved some minor issues and tasks. DemoAs always, we have made a demo for you: try it here. Before trying it out, press 'Clear Cache' on the login screen.Read the Universal GUI user interface guide to get familiar with the GUI. Universal GUI version 2024.2.12For more information about setting up the Universal GUI, see the Universal GUI setup guide.Note:Use a modern browser to access the Universal GUI, e.g., a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari mobile. Deploy the Universal GUI on the same server as Indicium or an allowed origin in appsettings.json. The Universal GUI only works with version 2022.1 and up of the Thinkwise Platform. Run all hotfixes on IAM and the Software Factory that you plan to use for the Universal GUI. Use the latest version of Indicium.Download the Universal GUI version 2024.2.12 here ContentsDemo Universal GUI version 2024.2.12 Contents New and changed Improved the way cell data is copied from the grid Improved performance in edit mode Support for report parameter properties action and Export path Warning about HTTP Opt-out of Sentry crash reporting Minor fixes and tasks What we will be working on next sprint Questions or suggestions? New and changedImproved the way cell data is copied from the gridchangeIt was already possible to copy data from the grid to the clipboard by selecting the cell and using Ctrl + C. This feature has been improved in this release.Previously, when a user copied a cell from a grid with Ctrl + C, the inner grid data for the current row was copied instead of the displayed data, which in some cases can be different.Now, when a cell is copied with Ctrl + C, the data that will be copied is the displayed data. There are some exceptions, though. Some controls format the value before copying:Color: copies the color value without image. Checkbox: if selected, true will be copied; if cleared, then false will be copied; if indeterminate, then a blank space will be copied. Progress bar (read only): copies the percentage displayed within the progress bar.Some controls copy a blank space to the clipboard:File link File upload HTML HTML card Image combo Image link Image upload SignatureAll the other supported control types will be copied exactly as they are presented to the user in the grid.Whether users are allowed to copy data in a subject to the clipboard is determined by the Software Factory setting Copy to clipboard (menu User interface > Subjects > tab Columns). Improved performance in edit modechangeWe have improved the performance of the Universal GUI in default edit mode by reducing the number of requests made when entering edit mode and after changing a value.We will continue to optimize performance in future releases. Support for report parameter properties action and Export pathnewFor a report parameter with the property action, the Universal GUI now creates a dropdown editor that displays the available options. Users can choose the download type for the report from this dropdown: Excel, image, Word, HTML, etc. The default is a preview in PDF format.In addition to the action property, we have also added the Export path property. You can use this property to influence the name of the downloaded report file.You can set these properties in the Software Factory in the menu Processes > Reports > tab Report parameters. Warning about HTTPnewFor security and performance reasons, it is recommended to run the Universal GUI on HTTPS. Now, when running on HTTP, a warning message is shown to the user. Opt-out of Sentry crash reportingnewIt is now possible to opt-out of Sentry crash reporting by adding this to config.json:"disableErrorReporting": trueYou can use this, for example, for a web server without a connection to the outside world because of security reasons. We advise you to keep the Sentry crash reporting activated because its information helps us solve crashes. Minor fixes and tasksFixes for layout and styling:For subjects with auto-save enabled, if a user updated a record and then navigated to their profile menu and selected User preferences, a pop-up with untranslated warning messages was displayed. This has been fixed. Very rarely, the CRUD buttons would not show up on screen type breakpoints. This has been fixed.Fixes for issues on startup:Users would sometimes get the following snack bar error when starting the Universal GUI: "Request error: The object was not found. You may have insufficient rights or the object no longer exists." After this error, start objects would not be opened. This has been fixed.Fixes for slow connections:On a slow connection, if users clicked too fast for the network to process the requests, they were sometimes confronted with "Objects could not be found" errors. These errors looked bad to users but could be ignored most of the time. Now, the user no longer gets this message. You can still see the 404 status of the corresponding network request in your browser's DevTools.Fixes in form and grid:Drag-drop tasks would not work if used in tables without variants. This has been fixed now. Previously, if you tried to select multiple records at one time using the Shift key, it would not work as expected if this was the first action taken in the grid component. This has now been fixed. A read-only column was editable in the grid though it was set to read-only in the model. This has been fixed. This could happen for regular columns where the Type was set to Read-only for component types: - Any editor in the grid - Lookup editors in the form where the Select button in the pop-up was not disabled. The lookup editor can contain a past value that is no longer available in the dropdown. Previously, when a user started editing, the field became empty. This was not correct. The field should show the value until something else is selected. This has been fixed. Every time a row in an editable grid was switched, the data in the lookup columns would be reloaded, causing it to disappear and reappear. This has been fixed. Data in lookup columns are no longer reloaded if there are no changes.What we will be working on next sprintThe next sprint we will be working on:Grid default edit-mode improvements High priority ticketsQuestions or suggestions?Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community!  

Related products:Universal GUI

Styling update of the Universal GUI

Now that customer success is the focus of the Universal GUI, we can prioritize User Experience too.This blog is the first step, introducing quick win UI Styling updates that require no Model changes or changes in User Experience. Later, we'll introduce and discuss Data Density improvements and more comprehensive UX & Universal Theme implementations.In the past years a lot of features have been added to the Universal GUI, but in the meantime the visual side of this interface hasn’t changed a lot. Comparing our Universal GUI to other enterprise applications, we do notice that our interface lacks a little conviction. We want to improve on this together with you, to ensure that our ideas support you and your users. So please, join in the conversation and let us know what you think.We took the Insights application as a benchmark.The Projects screen in the current Universal GUIThere is a lot going on in this screen, which means our users have a lot of elements to visually look through.We think we can do better.Based on the Material UI components and the 10 Usability Heuristics we altered the UI styling, bringing us to the following design:Styling update of the Universal GUIThis is the same Projects screen in the Insights application, with only visual alterations. Let us take you through it, so you know what is going on.Styling update with subject indicators Menu Currently, the background color in the menu has the same color as the general background of the rest of the application, which can distract the user in their navigation through an application.Menu designWe want to introduce the primary color as background of the menu.This provides a better visual hierarchy and helps the user focus on the data. With this change, we also introduce a lot more color in the application.We also want to change the alignment of the Open Documents (aligned with the submenu items) and the badges in the menu (make them stick to the right). Prefilter buttonsThe current setup of the Prefilter buttons is based on an icon, with a primary-colored underline when the prefilter is active.Prefilter buttons with solid background Like you, we think this can improved by making the Prefilter button a more distinctive button, by introducing a solid background in a round shape.When the prefilter is active, the background could get the primary color or secondary color. Which do you prefer, the primary or the secondary color for active prefilter?  CRUD and Task/Report buttons Like with the prefilters, we introduce a solid background for the CRUD and Task/Report buttons.By making these button backgrounds square, they are better distinguishable against the round prefilter buttons.Default CRUD and Task/Report button styling Also, we would like to know what your stance is on introducing the primary/secondary color to the Task buttons to make it a clear Call To Action button.Concept of button with color What do you think of introducing the primary or secondary color to the CRUD and Task/Report buttons? Conditional layoutThe current setup of the Conditional layout colors the entire cell. We want to improve on this visual cue, highlighting the text only.Conditional layout around text With text fields and an icon, we could encapsulate the icon with the text highlight:Icon in Conditional Layout highlight Or we could give the icon the conditional layout color (if it’s an SVG icon of course) and place it outside the text highlight.Icon in Conditional Layout color Which one do you prefer?  Lookup controlEspecially in read-only Grids, the lookup control needs a little love.To make the Universal GUI more consistent with other controls like the email, map, URL or phone number control, we want to change the current lookup control into a hyperlink. This way we follow behavior the users expect from other platforms.Evergreen, Kim Wilde, Country building and Budget office are the Lookups in this image. In this idea, the underline in the grid is only shown on active row/hover, to prevent a grid full of underlined data. Column headersVertical space is a great challenge in the Universal GUI.The grid headers now demand a lot of vertical room compared to the rows, and the styling of the header text make them fall into the background.In this design, we want to introduce a lower header bar and a bold font style. Subtle vertical dividers between the columns in the header and the active row are also added to emphasize column width.Column headers design What do you think of this Column headers design? Form fields – Outlined styleOne of the major elements in this design is changing the Filled style to the Outlined style form fields.We think the Outlined style holds a lot of answers for data density, control alignment, conditional formatting, visual hierarchy, focus indication, etcetera.To give you an impression, we put the current Filled style next to an Outline style setup. The field content and setup are the same.On the left the current Filled Form Field styling, on the right the Outlined Form Field style Because this will be a major change, this is not exactly a ‘quick win’. We want to get rid of the Form field background color setting and implement this idea. This also means that forms in non-edit mode have no background nor outline.Forms in non-edit mode without background color What do you think of the Outlined Style for Form fields replacement? Active row colorUniversal uses grayscales to draw the attention of the user, we think that color is a better guidance and looks nicer.While using a hint of the primary color (a pass through of 12% to be precise), the active row would stick out a lot more.Active row indication in Primary colorWhat do you think of coloring the active row? ConclusionAs stated in the intro, these Design changes are predominantly focused on visual changes. They will have an impact on how the Universal GUI looks and feels, but not on its behavior.To react to the designs, use the number of the subject and place your comment next to it, so we know which subject you are referring to.We look forward to your opinions!  

Related products:Universal GUIUI/UX

Release notes Indicium (2024.2.12)

Hello everyone,In this sprint we have fixed a few minor issues, which are outlined below.You can read more about Indicium's features in the Indicium user manual. About IndiciumTwo types of the Thinkwise Indicium Application Tier are available: Indicium Basic: for use with the Windows GUI and Mobile GUI. This basic version does not support features such as system flows and OpenID. Indicium: for use with the Universal GUI and via APIs. This version uses the full range of Indicium functionality.Download Indicium release 2024.2.12 here.  ContentsAbout Indicium Breaking Support for Thinkwise Platform release 2022.2 has ended Changes Security enhancements Minor fixes and tasks Questions or suggestions? BreakingSupport for Thinkwise Platform release 2022.2 has endedIn accordance with our Lifecycle policy, we no longer support the Thinkwise Platform version 2022.2 as of this release. ChangesSecurity enhancementsAs part of our ongoing effort to maintain the highest security standards and protect your data, we have implemented several security enhancements that improve the overall safety and resilience of our platform.We recommend all users upgrade to this version as soon as possible to take advantage of these improvements and enhancements. Minor fixes and tasksWhen you are using a case-sensitive filesystem, the process flow monitor did not work. The JavaScript could not be loaded, due to a difference in the file name case. This has been fixed. The initial setup for two-factor authentication would only work if the setup was completed within one minute. This has been fixed. Our OData metadata document was missing the field PreviewContentType. This caused issues with certain integrations. This has been fixed. Questions or suggestions?Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community! 

Related products:Indicium Service Tier

Universal Design: Filtering in the Pivot Table

We have a challenge for you!We are in the midst of designing the Universal GUI version of filtering within the Pivot Table. We've made a prototype to let you experience the Universal GUI version of this feature and we would like to hear your opinion.Please leave your comments in the comment section below.You will see:A new expandable/collapsable panel, where the user can find the Pivot Table Editor and Pivot Table Filter. Filter Dimension only as a top row drop zone for Dimension Values A new Filter Tab in the expandable/collapsable component to see all used Dimension ValuesWe give you 3 assignments to go through this prototype:Use Dimension Value ‘Invoice status’ for the Filter Dimension (this prototype doesn't support Drag and Drop, clicking on the element is enough). Set the filter of ‘Invoice Status’ to only ‘Paid’ (clicking on any checkbox will directly set this filter correctly for this prototype)  Set the filter of ‘Sub project’ to Exclude ‘Braggs apts’ from the data  Reset ‘Sub project’ with the RESET button. Set filter ‘Invoice status’ so that all checkboxes are checked (again, clicking one checkbox in this prototype activates them all again) Set ‘Sub project’ to Include the value ‘Boardwalk center’ in the dataClick here to open the Prototype.Use password ‘pivot filter’ to access the design.Use ‘R’ to restart from the beginning of the prototype if you are stuck.  

Related products:UI/UX

Release notes Universal GUI 2024.2.11

June 10, 2024:Full release 2024.2.11We solved two issues that had been introduced in the 2024.2.11 release candidate: The pop-up of a marker in the Maps screen component would not show up properly, especially after switching documents. This has been fixed.  An issue could occur in some specific scenarios, such as applying sorting in a grid within a document but also in some other scenarios. After closing the document, the application would stop working, and the user would be presented with a crash report submission form. This has been fixed. Now, the user can continue using the application normally after closing the document. Hello everyone,In this release, we added the ability to start a process flow from within a custom component. We also made some performance improvements, added general keyboard shortcuts for pop-ups and a confirmation when closing a lookup or pop-up. Lastly, we solved some issues. DemoAs always, we have made a demo for you: try it here. Before trying it out, press 'Clear Cache' on the login screen.Read the Universal GUI user interface guide to familiarize yourself with the GUI. Universal GUI version 2024.2.11For more information about setting up the Universal GUI, see the Universal GUI setup guide.Note:Use a modern browser to access the Universal GUI, e.g., a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari mobile. Deploy the Universal GUI on the same server as Indicium or an allowed origin in appsettings.json. The Universal GUI only works with version 2022.1 and up of the Thinkwise Platform. Run all hotfixes on IAM and the Software Factory that you plan to use for the Universal GUI. Use the latest version of Indicium.Download the Universal GUI version 2024.2.11 here ContentsDemo Universal GUI version 2024.2.11 (release candidate) Contents New and changed Start process flow from within a custom component Performance improvements General keyboard shortcuts for pop-ups Confirmation when closing a lookup or pop-up Minor fixes and tasks What we will be working on next release Questions or suggestions? New and changedStart process flow from within a custom componentnewYou can now start a process flow from within a custom component by sending an instruction to the Universal GUI. For example:window.parent.postMessage({ type: 'startProcessFlow', processFlowId: 'refresh_document_detail_from_component', dataParams: {}}, '*');The process flow needs to be a deeplink process flow. See Deep linking in a process flow. The Universal GUI allows origins from the same master domain, for example, *.thinkwise.app.WarningIf you introduce custom screens or custom components into your application, you will also introduce a piece of traditional programming. If you are making changes to your model, the Software Factory will not alert you about the use of process flows and their parameters in your custom components. It is your responsibility to put a change process in place for this. For more information, see Custom screens. Performance improvementschangeWe have upgraded our general component library, which has resulted in performance improvements.Actions that triggered multiple re-draws of the interface now update the interface once. We also expect an improved grid edit-mode experience, although we have planned more improvements in this area in the upcoming sprints.Also, switching between documents and tabs looks much calmer now. Forms position their editors directly in the right place now. The same goes for (detail) tiles. General keyboard shortcuts for pop-upsnewYou can now use the following keyboard shortcuts when interacting with a pop-up:Esc - Cancel Ctrl + Enter - Confirm Confirmation when closing a lookup or pop-upnewPreviously, when users edited a record and clicked on one of the buttons, the lookup or pop-up would close without any confirmation. This could result in them losing their changes. Now, when users edit a record and try to close it, they are asked if they want to discard their changes or return and finish editing. Minor fixes and tasksIf the page size was set to -1, paging would incorrectly be presented by the Universal GUI. This has been fixed. If the checkbox Allow sort was cleared, users were unable to manually change the column width in the grid. This has been fixed. A lookup editor in an editable form or as a task parameter was emptied when the value was entered before the dropdown list options were loaded and the control was left. For example, when copy-pasting or barcode scanning. Now, the value remains and is matched once the dropdown list options are received. We have fixed an issue in the form where any field with Field number of positions further = 0 would disappear if placed directly after a file upload field. The Max no. of records indicator was not translated. Now, the indicator will display "There are more records than can be displayed". An issue could occur in the card list when the page size and the maximum number of rows were set to zero or a negative number. This has been fixed. With these values, there will be only one page with all the records.Fixes for process flows:A process flow that starts with activating a detail tab would sometimes start multiple times. This has been fixed. When a task had Await result set to No and a process flow would use this task as Start table task, the process flow would not continue after executing the task. This has been fixed.Fixes for slower connections: Sometimes, especially on slower connections, quickly changing the active row would cause the detail tab to break and no longer show data unless manually refreshed. This has been fixed. On a slower connection, the data on a detail grid could be out of sync when switching between multiple records. This has been fixed. On a slower connection, detail tab data could be out of sync after switching to the parent record and back. This can be fixed by adding the following option to config.json: "disableTabPageCaching": true, Only use this option when you experience the mentioned issue since it lowers performance.  What we will be working on next releaseThe next release will be about:Solving issues - For the status of your own issues, please refer to TCP. Improved default edit mode - Closing a document will allow the user to cancel their current changes and errors. Performance improvements. Set filter from process flow - The filter form in a process flow was no longer displayed as a user filter. We will address this issue. HTTPS Security warning - When the Universal GUI is started over plain HTTP, it will give a warning that the connection is not secure. Questions or suggestions?Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community!   

Related products:Universal GUI

🚀 Platform improvements for week 23

Hi everyone!We’ve released the following platform improvements this week: SF 2024.2 20240605 - Enrichment improvementsWe made several improvements to enrichments themselves and the enrichment execution mechanism: Enrichment: Add a table description with AI Exclude generated tables in AI completion prompt for enrichment Enrichment: Create prefilters for checkboxes Exclude generated columns in Model update query and change instructions accordingly Suggest the to be created prefilter groups to be nonmandatory by default instead of mandatory Use the 'is_truthy' function to validate truthy input for the parameter @mand_grp in the enrichment templates 'create_prefilter_grp' and 'create_prefilters' Enrichment: Create prefilters for image combos Exclude generated columns in Model update query and change instructions accordingly Suggest the to be created prefilter groups to be nonmandatory by default instead of mandatory Use the 'is_truthy' function to validate truthy input for the parameter @mand_grp in the enrichment template 'create_prefilter_grp' Enrichment: Include every lookup column in the search Ensure that the enrichments not only supports tables but also table variants Rename template 'include_in_global_filter' to 'include_in_filter_tab' Add new template 'include_in_global_filter_tab_variant' to support table variants Task code: Generate model updates (technical: task_add_job_to_run_enrichment) Add enrichment title + parameters as job parameters

Related products:Software Factory

Thinkstore model updates 2024.2.11

Hello everyone,In this sprint, we have updated a number of Thinkstore models with the new Web connections .The changes in this release are available for Thinkwise Platform version 2024.2 and higher. About the ThinkstoreThe Thinkstore is a fully integrated way for downloading and installing ready-made solutions directly into your models right from the Thinkwise IDE. It contains a collection of scripts and samples to help you get the most out of the Thinkwise Platform. You can find the Thinkstore in the Software Factory, in the menu Enrichment > Thinkstore.The Thinkstore only contains solutions specifically for the Software Factory version you are using. Therefore, the Thinkstore will be cleared before every platform upgrade. After the upgrade, if you open the Thinkstore in the new Software Factory version, it will initiate a refresh and retrieve all the available solutions for that version. This process runs in the background. It can take up to ten minutes before the solutions are available.You can read more about the Thinkstore in the Thinkstore guide . ContentsAbout the Thinkstore New, changed, and fixed in the Thinkstore models Updated the model "Currencies API" Updated the models "RDW car info", "KVK info", and "Webservice example to retrieve address info from zipcode" Removed the model "Use T-SQL OPENJSON for accessing JSON data" Questions or suggestions? New, changed, and fixed in the Thinkstore modelsUpdated the model "Currencies API"changeWe have removed the currency tables because this solution only provides a web connection and a task to start the API call and show the response. If you want to process the JSON response, this blog post with JSON examples might be useful. Updated the models "RDW car info", "KVK info", and "Webservice example to retrieve address info from zipcode"changeWe have replaced the last message with a task pop-up to make it easier to show the given JSON and process the information. Removed the model "Use T-SQL OPENJSON for accessing JSON data"changeThe model "Use T-SQL OPENJSON for accessing JSON data" has been removed from the Thinkstore. This blog post with JSON examples should give you enough information to work with JSON in T-SQL. Questions or suggestions?Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community!

Related products:Thinkstore

Release notes Indicium (2024.2.11)

Hello everyone,In this sprint, we have changed the error handling for system flows. We have also fixed an issue that could occur when importing files that contained lookup translations.You can read more about Indicium's features in the Indicium user manual. About IndiciumTwo types of the Thinkwise Indicium Application Tier are available: Indicium Basic: for use with the Windows GUI and Mobile GUI. This basic version does not support features such as system flows and OpenID. Indicium: for use with the Universal GUI and via APIs. This version uses the full range of Indicium functionality.Download Indicium release 2024.2.11 here. ContentsAbout Indicium New and changed Changed error handling for system flows Minor fixes and tasks Questions or suggestions? New and changedChanged error handling for system flowschangeIf multiple Indiciums are running against the same database, they will all try to execute the system flows. Only the first one will execute the system flow and the others will receive an error. These errors ('system_flow_already_running') would be logged to Azure Application Insights. Now, they are no longer logged. Minor fixes and tasksWe have fixed an issue that could occur when importing files that contained lookup translations. It would occur when the lookup reference had more than one column and the filter columns of the reference (i.e. all but the last reference column) had different IDs on the target and source sides of the reference (e.g. sub_project.project_id <-> project.id). The issue would not occur if data values were used for the import instead of translations or if the reference columns had the same ID in both tables. Questions or suggestions?Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community! 

Related products:Indicium Service Tier

Release notes Windows GUI and Web GUI 2024.2.10

 May 21, 2024:Release 2024.2.10 This release is the same as 2024.1.14.0 Hello everyone,In this sprint, we have added support to the Web GUI for the 2024.1 and 2024.2 versions of the Thinkwise Platform, and we have fixed an issue with closing an application after switching between applications with different menu types.You can read more about the Windows GUI's features in the user interface guide .Download Windows GUI 2024.1.14 here . Download Web GUI 2024.1.14 here .ContentsNew Support for Thinkwise Platform versions 2024.1 and 2024.2 Minor fixes and tasks Closing application not possible after switching between IAM applications Report export file path parameter name null Questions or suggestions? New Support for Thinkwise Platform versions 2024.1 and 2024.2Web GUIAs promised during our developer event, we have added support for the 2024.1 and the upcoming 2024.2 versions of the Thinkwise Platform. This will make it easier to transition from the Web GUI to the Universal GUI. Minor fixes and tasks Closing application not possible after switching between IAM applicationsIn some cases, closing an application was not possible: after switching between applications with different menu types (tiles versus list), without opened documents (none opened yet or all already closed). This has been fixed. Report export filepath parameter name nullIn Windows GUI version 2024.1.12.0, functionality was added based on the export filepath parameter name. Because of this, a user could sometimes encounter the error 'name' argument cannot be null. This has been fixed. Questions or suggestions?Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community!  

Related products:Windows GUI

Release notes Thinkstore (2024.2)

Hello everyone,In this release, we have improved a couple of models and removed models that had become obsolete. About the ThinkstoreThe Thinkstore is a fully integrated way for downloading and installing ready-made solutions directly into your models right from the Thinkwise IDE.It contains a collection of scripts and samples to help you get the most out of the Thinkwise Platform.You can find the Thinkstore in the Software Factory, in the menu Enrichment > Thinkstore.The Thinkstore only contains solutions specifically for the Software Factory version you are using.Therefore, the Thinkstore will be cleared before every platform upgrade.After the upgrade, if you open the Thinkstore in the new Software Factory version, it will initiate a refresh and retrieve all the available solutions for that version.This process runs in the background. It can take up to ten minutes before the solutions are available.You can read more about the Thinkstore in the Thinkstore guide. ContentsAbout the Thinkstore Improved Improved the model Logging data available in the GUI Improved the model "Trace tasks" Improved the model "Illegal XML characters" Improved the model "Facts" Improved the model "Logging data available in the GUI" Improved the model "Auto create a function for system versioning" Improved the model "Working with dates in SQL" Improved the model "Getting domain elements in SSMS shortcut" Improved the model "Extract a file name from a file path" Improved the model "Translating model objects in business logic" Combined and improved the models "Convert UTC marked dates to locale dates" and "UTC and local time conversion" Removed Removed the model "Auto refresh" Removed "Auto generate reports" Removed the model "Knowledge application" Removed the model "Change detection" Removed the model "Replace HTML font family" Removed the model "Change font of html fields from Segui ui to Arial" Removed the model "Session variables" Removed the model "Default error handling on SQL Server" Removed the model "Drag and drop between subjects example" Fixed Fixed the model "SAP API stock, consumption and production booking" Fixed the model "Multi lang data" Questions or suggestions?   ImprovedImproved the model Logging data available in the GUIchangeWe have updated the Thinkstore model Logging data available in the GUI to improve performance and readability.The control procedure that generates tables, columns, and references no longer uses temporary tables.It now uses staged tables.Improved the model "Trace tasks"changeWe have made the following changes:Adjusted the dynamic model "Trace tasks" to be fully controlled. Added "where not exists" to the columns. Changed that the table and columns are no longer set as "generated". Changed the strategy to "Staged". Changed the order of the assigning. We now weave the functionality into the program object in step 3 instead of step 2. If a task has a transaction, the code is now within the transaction.Improved the model "Illegal XML characters"changeWe have made the following changes:Adjusted the dynamic model "Illegal XML characters" to be fully controlled. Added "where not exists" to the subroutine and parameters. Changed that the subroutine is no longer set as "generated". Changed the strategy to "Staged".Improved the model "Facts"changeWe have added roles for each base table to the model "Facts". We have also created unique indexes for the names per table.Improved the model "Logging data available in the GUI"new changeIn the model "Logging data available in the GUI", we have created the needed domains in case they are not yet in the model via the dynamic model code.We have also added the following fixes:There was an issue with the row_number when determining the conditional layout code values. This has been fixed. If the total length of combined tab_ids exceeds 1000, the extended property will now give an error since this column is a varchar(1000). If there is a reference on the computed column, the ref was deleted from #ref but not #ref_col, which would give an error. This has been fixed.Improved the model "Auto create a function for system versioning"changeFor the model "Auto create a function for system versioning", we have made the following improvements:Changed the dynamic model strategy to 'staged'. Added the creation of the domain. Aligned the code with our Code guidelines. Changed the control_procedure strategy to 'staged'.Improved the model "Working with dates in SQL"changeFor the model "Working with dates in SQL", we have made the following improvements:Revised the table and removed some columns. Changed the control procedure to 'staged' so the assigning will be done automatically. Changed the code for the insertion of the date_helper to be able to update and insert new records where needed. Note: Feel free to add extra columns and functionality where needed, for example:is_working_day / production_week / number_of_days_in_month This is merely a first setup for a date_helper table.Improved the model "Getting domain elements in SSMS shortcut"changeWe have made the following improvements to the model "Getting domain elements in SSMS shortcut":Changed the control_procedure strategy to 'staged'. Changed the dom_id domain to varchar(128) (was 200) to be aligned with the dom_id of the Software Factory. Changed the template with all the domains to contain elements from the Software Factory instead of checking IAM, which is not desirable and costs more performance.Improved the model "Extract a file name from a file path"We have made the following improvements to the model "Extract a file name from a file path":Added 2 domains and a function.   Changed the control procedure strategy to 'staged'. Added 2 unit tests. Fixed that an error would occur when a file path without a backslash ('') was given as input.Improved the model "Translating model objects in business logic"We have made the following improvements to the model "Translating model objects in business logic":Added the function get_dom_elemnt_id to be able to retrieve the element_id of a domain value. For example: order_status with database value 1 can be retrieved with select dbo.get_dom_elemnt_id('order_status',1). Added some more examples of type_of_objects in the control procedure code.Combined and improved the models "Convert UTC marked dates to locale dates" and "UTC and local time conversion"changeWe have merged the models "Convert UTC marked dates to locale dates" and "UTC and local time conversion" into one model.The resulting model has only one function, with an input date time, from_time_zone, and to_time_zone.This way, you are flexible in how you use the function.When you are always in the same timezone, you could create your own function:convert_local_to_utcconvert_utc_to_localYou can then define your own timezone as convert_local_to_utc and convert_utc_to_local. RemovedRemoved the model "Auto refresh"changeWe have removed the model "Auto refresh". Auto refresh can be done by an extended property.For more information, see the Extended properties,RefreshOnDocumentSwitch and RefreshOnTabSwitch.Removed "Auto generate reports"changeWe have removed the model "Auto generate reports".In version 2022.1 of the Thinkwise Platform, we introduced the generate report connector. See Generate report.This connector covers the functionality of the model that was removed.Connecting it to a write file / SMTP connector is explained in this Community post.Use these resources for creating a system flow.Removed the model "Knowledge application"changeWe have removed the model "Knowledge application" from the Thinkstore.Removed the model "Change detection"changeWe have removed model "Change detection". The documentation has the same example: https://docs.thinkwisesoftware.com/docs/sf/business_logic#change-detectionRemoved the model "Replace HTML font family"changeThe model "Replace HTML font family" is outdated and no longer relevant, so we have removed it.Removed the model "Change font of html fields from Segui ui to Arial"changeWe have removed the model "Change font of html fields from Segui ui to Arial". This model did not add anything functional. It only replaced a tag with another span tag that included a font in HTML.Removed the model "Session variables"changeWe have removed the model "Session variables".See the documentation for how to use the session variables:Extended propertiesGenerated session variableshttps://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/session-context-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver16Removed the model "Default error handling on SQL Server"changeWe have removed the model "Default error handling on SQL Server" because the Software Factory handles the most common errors with atomic transactions.See the documentation:Atomic transactionsWeave code into atomic tasksRemoved the model "Drag and drop between subjects example"changeWe have removed the model "Drag and drop between subjects example" which demonstrated drag and drop between subjects.In version 2024.2 of the Software Factory, an enrichment is available to create a drag-and-drop task between two subjects.See Available model enrichments. FixedFixed the model "SAP API stock, consumption and production booking"fixWe removed broken prefilters from the model "SAP API stock, consumption and production booking" and fixed some broken prefilter queries missing the t1. prefix.Fixed the model "Multi lang data"fixWe have changed the error handling. Before, if the table was not in the model, there would be an error.Now, the code will not be executed in that case. Questions or suggestions?Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community! 

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