November 25, 2024
- Full release 2024.3.12 (from release candidate 2024.3.12)
- Solved the following issues found in the release candidate:
- In the release candidate, we introduced taskbar dividers for the toolbar. However, we decided not to include them in the full release because we want to improve them.
- We have fixed
errors from cubes containing dates. This problem was introduced in the release candidate. - Activating a detail tab from a process flow did not work in a specific case where the detail tab was hidden within nested component tabs. This issue has been fixed.
- In the new HTML editor options, the default font family could not be selected from the dropdown. This option has now been added.
- Additionally, the default font size was not available in the HTML editor dropdown. The dropdown has been replaced to provide more control over font size.

- Solved the following urgent issues that didn't make the release candidate:
- A crash that occurred when opening the tree on a touch device has been resolved.
- Opening lookup pop-ups from an empty subject sometimes showed unfiltered data. This issue occurred when the lookup field value depended on the value of another lookup field. For example, when booking hours, the subproject depends on the selected project. Previously, the pop-up would show all possible subprojects, even those not associated with the user’s project. Now, in such cases, the pop-up opens empty.
When editing a lookup, the available options sometimes were not limited by the prefilters with the Default prefilter state set to On. In some cases, this caused a slowdown in loading the options or even in the Universal GUI itself due to a large number of options being loaded. This issue has been resolved.
- Editing a lookup field sometimes changed the value of other fields unexpectedly. This issue has been fixed.
- When two process flows are running on the same subject, the first one is aborted. In some cases, this flow would continue sending follow-up requests to Indicium, causing 404 statuses. This is now prevented.
- A process flow starting with an Activate document process action was started twice. Now, it is started only once.
We identified a situation where the task trigger Refresh active row stopped the process flow. This problem occurred when a task was removed from the table and a detail tab showing a table with related data for that row was open at the same time. The row would remain visible and the process flow would stop. In the Network tab in DevTools, server requests would return HTTP 404. Now, the row is visually removed and the process flow continues.
Hello everyone,
In this release, we have added support for Windows authentication, multi-row deletion, and advanced sorting in cubes. We have also extended the HTML editor pop-up with more options and improved the breadcrumbs to show the location of your most recent action.
As always, we have made a demo for you: try it here. Before trying it out, press 'Clear Cache' on the login screen.
Read the Universal GUI user interface guide to get familiar with the GUI.
Universal GUI version 2024.3.12
For more information about setting up the Universal GUI, see the Universal GUI setup guide.
- Use a modern browser to access the Universal GUI, for example, a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari mobile.
- Deploy the Universal GUI on the same server as Indicium or an allowed origin in
. - Run all hotfixes on IAM and the Software Factory that you plan to use for the Universal GUI.
- Use the latest version of Indicium.
Download the Universal GUI version 2024.3.12 here
New and changed
Support for Windows authentication
The Universal GUI now supports Windows authentication.
For a smooth login experience, the Universal GUI now redirects users to the Indicium login page when Windows authentication is enabled for Indicium (menu Authorization > Users > tab Form > group Authentication). The login page of Indicium allows users to log in without re-typing their domain account credentials.
For more information, see Windows authentication.
Support for multi-row deletion
In the Universal GUI, you can now delete multiple selected records at once in a grid. Note: it is not yet possible to delete records across pages when pagination is enabled.
In the GIF below, you can see how multiple records are deleted. In this example, "Slow 4G" network throttling is used to show the progress indicator. This progress indicator is not shown if deletion is completed within 200 milliseconds.

Support for advanced sorting in cubes
We have added support for advanced sorting in cubes:
- Sorting a cube view on a domain with elements now follows the setting Sort order of elements, (Translation or Order no) in the menu Data > Domains > tab Form > tab Domains. In the tab Elements, this setting is available as Sequence no.
- You can now sort a cube view dimension by a cube field that is not present in the cube view itself (menu User interface > Business Intelligence > tab Tables > tab Cube views > tab Cube view fields > tab Form > tab Cube view field > setting Sort by cube field).
Support for HTML forms in Preview
Previously, HTML forms embedded inside a webpage that used the Preview screen component were not allowed to be submitted. You could recognize this situation in the browser's developer tools by the message 'Blocked form submission to tyour website]'.
Now, it is possible to allow HTML forms to submit by setting the extended property UnsafePreviewAllowForms to true or yes.
Enable this feature only when you trust the contents of all web pages you intend to embed. HTML forms lack the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing restriction that is otherwise standard for ways to perform web requests. This makes it possible to access external websites that normally disallow such requests.
More options in the HTML editor pop-up
We have added more options to the HTML editor pop-up:
- Font size
- Font family
- Text style and alignment
- Table
- Links
- Image upload
Context-sensitive breadcrumbs
Previously, the breadcrumb in the top bar of an open document showed the selected record of the main subject or, in the case of a zoomed-in detail document, it also showed the path to the parent subject.
We have extended the breadcrumbs with nested detail navigation. They now show the location of your most recent action. For example, if you are working in Project > detail: Subproject > detail: Activities, the breadcrumb now shows: V.C. Partners > Development phase 2.0 > Analysis.
This enhancement is particularly useful when your parent subject is hidden in an inactive tab, as it helps you track the project and subproject on which you are currently working.
Minor fixes and tasks
- We have fixed an issue where the subject could get unresponsive after dragging a splitter to resize its components.
- Tooltips are now shown at the top end instead of the beginning. This change reduces the chance of overlap with previous elements.
For grids and forms:
- The HTML control did not display pasted text if other text was already selected in the control. This issue has been fixed.
- Previously, when opening the lookup pop-up of an empty field, users would see the form with the details of the first item in the lookup table. Now, the list of lookup items is shown instead. This change prevents confusion by showing an unrelated item as if it were selected.
For cubes:
- Domain elements were not translated in the x-axis and legend of a chart, and in the pivot grid. The displayed values were the raw database values instead of the translated ones. This issue has been fixed.
- We have improved the date/time notation in pivot grids and charts. All types are now formatted based on the browsers' local settings.
- When data in a category (row) contained a quote
, a bad request message was displayed when the category was expanded. This issue has been fixed. - When a pivot grid was part of a nested subject, the deep link would try to use the parent subject as the domain, resulting in bad request errors. This issue has been fixed.
For process flows:
- In some cases, the Activate detail tab process action did not work. Especially when it was located in nested component tabs or when jumping back to the first tab page. This has been fixed.
For session expiration:
- Sometimes, switching to a different application when the session expired resulted in an application error. This has been fixed.
- When the session expired, multiple session-expired pop-ups were displayed instead of just one. This has been fixed.
- In some cases, when the session expired, an infinite loop was running in the background, triggering API requests. This has been fixed.
What we will be working on next sprint
The next sprint we will be working on:
- The styling update, starting with the menu and global frame of the application (we expect the styling update to take multiple sprints)
- Editable pivot grid
- Grid column reordering including saving this to User preferences
- Casing of tab header labels, to solve this community idea.
Questions or suggestions?
Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community!