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As the template names are long, the parameter has been set to a custom width. But this width is nog used in the universal GUI.  


Also the layout (column setting) is not used. This might have effect on many of our tasks, which results in huge impact to switch to universal GUI


Another example



This is currently not possible, and it's also quite challenging. As a developer, how would you like to set up the size of the Task pop-up?

The problematic part is that the Universal GUI can run on devices with many different resolutions. The task you show would not be suited for use on a mobile phone for example.

The change in behaviour with the Universal GUI and the loss of detailed control of field sizes, poses quite a challenge for us as well. The readability for our customers has been worsened a lot and especially when supporting ~30 different languages where certain languages have lengthy terms.

In the example of OP you can even see how important that space is. Certain fields are purposely made large to be able to read the data inside more easily.

I understand the challenge with the road taken by Thinkwise to only have one GUI for everything.


I would suggest to at least start with a percentage setting per task to how much it is allowed to use when the resolution is greater than what Thinkwise considers minimum. Maybe even support a maximum px value per task in case the scaling becomes a bit much with certain resolutions. Running a resolution of width 2560px and only having the task use 300px, is a ridiculous use of space.

Also support tabs again for none handheld devices, so you do not get a huge scrollable task. We currently still have our internal department on the Windows GUI and they will absolutely hate what the tasks will do in the Universal GUI to what it is for them now.

@avandervelden @Mark_Plaggenborg This topic is definitely on our radar! If you haven't done so already, voting on these Ideas might help: 

Allow for setting the column width for task/report parameters | Thinkwise Community (

Universal Popup sizing | Thinkwise Community (

We do see customers struggling with it, especially in the context of moving to the Universal GUI, so it makes sense to address this in the near future.
