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As strange as it may sound, I have two prefilters set to on_hidden and off_hidden respectively, but when I click the not hidden prefilter, the hidden two suddenly show up. This seems to happen in the variant of a a table. The following screenshot shows how the prefilters are set:

When the user goes to the right screen, they see the following:

There is only one prefilter beside the search bar. But when the user clicks the prefilter the following happens:

I do not know why it behaves like this, I have checked the context procedure and we do nothing in those with prefilters. And it does not have a layout procedure. What could be wrong?

Hi Sander,

It's better to create a ticket this. With the current supplied information we cannot determine where the issue may reside. We would prefer to receive a model export of the branch where this occurs. We need to know the prefilter settings of the main table, of the variant, the prefilter group settings among others; so a model export would be very handy.

What you can do for now is to run all validations and ensure there are no validations unresolved surrounding prefilters.

Hi Mark, 

Thanks for the advice, I shall look at the validations. The strange bit is that this does not occur in our development environment, I cannot reproduce this there. It occurs on our test and staging environemts, which are set up so that they mimic the production environment. If I see nothing strange in the validations, I shall create a ticket.


Also add the used metasource (IAM/SF), the platform version, Indicium version and Universal GUI version to the ticket information. Maybe the issue cannot be reproduced in a later version than you might be using at the moment .Thanks!