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When I select multiple rows in a grid and execute a templated task, this will be executed once for every selected row. But when I have a table task at the start of a processflow, and start this task with 3 selected rows, the task is only executed once.

Is there something I’m missing? I don’t need a multiselectparameter solution, cause the tasks can be executed one by one. 
I am using the multiselectparameter for another task, can this be interrupting the default handling?

With a process flow the task will be executed only once. Here are some suggested solutions to handle multi row execution on a process flow: 



Hi @Tejo van de Bor, did Erwin's reaction help you out?

hi @Jeroen van den Belt I guess that Erwin’s solution is the best of the rest, as multi row execution is taking a few extra steps that should not be needed. As for instance, I’ve to create looping in my processflow that should not be necessary cause normal tasks can handle this already.

Created an idea here to upvote 😀