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We expect the date picker to be always available based on the ‘Show action button’ setting of the associated domain set to “Always”.

However this is not the case.

Is there any other way to achieve this?


Hi Harm,

No, this is not possible in the current used datepicker control.

What use case do you have for the datepicker to always be visible? In navigation mode/read-only mode the date picker would not function as a picker, but more of a calendar view.

The reason is that users like to see/check the week number and/or day of week.

Perhaps just a tooltip or popup, showing this information would be OK, it must also work for touch screen devices.


Ah, makes sense. Seeing 17-08-2024 for example doesn't give much info on that. As workaournd now you could add expression fields that extract the day and weeknumber from the date, but I can imagine that's not what you are hoping for.

Feel free to create an idea for this! As I stated earlier, we would have to change the native datepicker to something else for that. The native datepicker is bound to the navigation state, so the datepicker can only be shown if the field is editable.

Edit: Idea made here: Date info popup or tooltip during read mode | Thinkwise Community (

Yes, this could be a solution sometimes we do this, but it can make screens make less clear, especially when a form has multiple data fields.

I will make an idea for this.

