Hi Blommetje,
There is currently no way to achieve that with the tile menu. Can you create an idea for this?
For your detail idea, are those details references empty? i.e. there are no reference columns. I'd think that should do what you want.
Kind regards,
Tim de Lang
Hey Blommetje,
It is possible to create this manually by use of the detail tiles screen type component. It is not the easiest to set up because it is not supported by the Software Factory by default, but it is possible. If you want to know more, let me know and I can try to explain.
Kind regards,
Hi @Blommetje, were the answers sufficient, can this topic be closed?
Well, the anwers, yes. @Renée Evertzen is pretty awesome with her solution.
However, since Universal does not support tile menu it's useless. It works ‘ok-ish’ in web/win, not the way a user would be happy with it.
(As long as Universal does not support some what I think is quite basic stuff, I'm not happy with it. No help-file, no sub-menu, no drag-drop, not very keen on the font-size and some other stuff.. so.. in general.. I'm not happy with it. This topic is quite old; any news on this? )
Hi Alexander,
Renée's solution works for the Windows GUI but indeed may not work for the Universal GUI. The implementation of multiple tile menu levels is something that is currently an Idea here on the Community like you mentioned. Be sure to vote on it
I'll close this topic for now.