I would like to monitor the usage of my application. Is there an option to log what actions the users do in the application. For example i would like to know what menu items and tiles are used the most. Also i am interested to find out what subjects and tasks are executed the most.
With this information i can optimize my application to have a better user experience for my end users.
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In IAM there is a menu section “Analysis” which contains the Session log and some cubes. “Session log” contains a detail “Use log user actions” which is a table containing a lot of information about actions a user performs.
Is that what your looking for? You could even connect tooling such as PowerBI to those tables via Indicium or direct SQL access to create custom insights.
In IAM you can use the following screens to see this kind of information:
IAM → Analyze → Session log: Here you see all sessions of every user. In the details it also specifies what kind of actions the user took.
IAM → Analyze → Action analysis: Here you have control over a set of field and values to create an overview to your own liking. For example, open this screen up and you'll be presented with a number of fields you can drag to create a cube. Place the following fields into Row:
User action type
You now have an overview of every application and you can see with table has been opened the most for example. You can create more overviews if you desire. You can even show it as a graph:
Number of Open screen actions per table
To end, Harm made an Idea about having these kinds of overviews more accessible here:
Hope this helps you out!
Kind regards, Mark Jongeling
That can help with the information i am looking for. Right now this table is empty. My user “user preferences” configuration is of type “Resize”.
How can i enable this logging with the current user preferences configuration?
That can help with the information i am looking for. Right now this table is empty. My user “user preferences” configuration is of type “Resize”.
How can i enable this logging with the current user preferences configuration?
Sorry to say that is currently not possible. The IAM will log what it needs to handle the User preferences/to generate recommendations for the user. If you do want to see more log items, consider using a different User preferences Configuration or create a new one. This is possible through the lookup at Users or via the Advanced menu in IAM → UP availability.
Feel free to create a topic in the Ideation section.
Kind regards, Mark Jongeling
How do i create a new user preferences configuration in IAM? These fields are now read only for me as global iam administrator
As a Main administrator you will be able to add UP configurations. I'm not sure about not being Main administrator but another kind of administrator.
You can add UP configurations through the lookup at Users: