Where can we set the address of the Indicium to be used by the Software Factory?
We've just upgraded to 2021.3 and now if we try to perform the ‘Generate definition’ step of the 'Creation’ process, the SF is stating that it 'stopped hearing from Indicium’. Indicium is however running.
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Indicium looks at an IAM (named in appsettings.json) and inside that IAM there's an SF model. That SF is then serviced by Indicium. When you see this error, it means Indicium is not active for that IAM (and also the SF inside that IAM)
appsettings.json is set-up to look at the THINKWISE_IAM.
When going to the Indicium via the webbrowser, is shows that Indicium is running...
Can you check inside IAM on the SQLSERVER_SF application, if the System flows are being executed? (Applications > Scheduled system flows > system_flow_agent_check_in > schedule log)
Correct example
If there are no log items, that means the system flows are not being executed/picked-up by Indicium.
I believe they are…
I believe they are…
Looks like Indicium stopped executing them as the UTC time stopped at 1:25PM. Does restarting Indicium help and/or did you check the log for any errors that could explain it?
Indicium is running, but the jobs are not picked up. Noting in the logfiles.
This is the basic version of indicium. System flows are executed by the Universal indicium. Do you have universal indicium in place if so what version is this indicium?
I've found the problem.
During the upgrade, we were using the same ApplicationPool as the Production Indicium Universal. This was not working, due to the different framewroks. So we created a new ApplicationPool, but I forgot to change the Idle Time-out to '0’...