release notes

🐣 Breaking - GUI release 2018.3.19 - Default edit form

Related products: Software Factory Windows GUI

Today's GUI release with version 2018.3.19 contains a breaking change involving form default edit mode. It affects both Windows and Web GUIs.

Previously, if 'Default editable' was checked, the 'Auto-save form' setting was ignored and the form would automatically save changes when it lost focus. In versions 2018.3.19 and higher, this is no longer the case. It instead requires an explicit save or cancel action.

To restore the existing behavior, the 'Auto-save form' checkbox must now be checked. See below screenshot where you can find the two checkboxes in the Software Factory:

To quickly find all tables and variants which are affected by this change, these queries can be used on your Software Factory:

select tab_id
from tab
where project_id = 'MY_PROJECT'
and project_vrs_id = '1.00'
and form_default_editable = 1
and form_auto_save = 0

select tab_id, tab_variant_id
from tab_variant
where project_id = 'MY_PROJECT'
and project_vrs_id = '1.00'
and form_default_editable = 1
and form_auto_save = 0
This breaking change also occured in the Software factory model with process action input and results. Therefore, if you want to use this GUI to start the Software Factory then you should also download the Deployment Center and run the latest hotfixes.