release notes

Universal Development Update September 2020

Related products: Universal GUI
Universal Development Update September 2020

Hello everyone, this sprint we've added some features we think you'll like, for example default editable, autosave and editable lookup controls in the grid.

Besides that, we've also solved quite a few bugs.

In case you've missed it, we've added a few things in an extra release last sprint:

  • TSFSendMessage now also works for requests that weren't successful.
  • Details are now loading properly after the user logs out and logs in again.

Read the previous blog if you want to know more about these points.

As always, we've made a demo for you: try it here. Before trying it out, press 'Clear Cache' on the login screen. You can read the GUI user manual to get familiar with Universal.

We'll keep you updated regularly about Universal's progress.

Universal version 1.4

Like with every blog, we've released a version so you can test Universal out for yourself. Don't forget the documentation and be sure to keep the following in mind:

  • Edge has been updated to use Chromium, which greatly changes the way it works under the hood. We now also recommend this browser to be used for Universal.
  • Universal must be deployed on the same server as Indicium or it should be an allowed origin in appsettings.json.
  • Universal only works with version 2019.1 and up of the Thinkwise Platform.
  • Furthermore, make sure you run all hotfixes on the IAM and SF that you plan to use for Universal.
  • Make sure you are on the latest version of Indicium Universal.

Download Universal version 1.4 here

Autosave and default edit mode

This sprint we've implemented autosave and default edit mode. While these are awesome features on their own, they become truly powerful together. That's why we've decided to implement them together.

In short, autosave and default editable enable you to edit your data any time, you do not have to worry about pressing edit or save and you can change records when you want.

Autosave and default editable work a bit differently from other GUI's. The entire subject goes into edit mode and both the grid and the form listen to this. If you enabled autosave/default edit mode in either the grid or the form, both will have them enabled

When you enable default edit mode, Universal will also enable autosave. Default edit mode needs to be enable to edit multiple records one after the other.

Later we'll add a button so the user can enable default edit mode temporarily.

This is what it looks like:

Autosave and default editable in action

Grid edit mode lookup control

We've implemented the lookup control for grid edit mode. You can now open the lookup popup right from the grid.

This is what it looks like:

Grid lookup editor

Hide search

You can now hide the search bar in the menu by disabling showFilter in the menu. This has been a much-requested feature:

A menu with, and without search

Unit tests

In the past three weeks we've added another 36 unit test cases to the components and inner workings of Universal. This brings us up to 1670 test cases in total.

Lots of minor fixes/tasks


  • Tasks can now be executed normally again after cancelling the popup
  • Fixed bug where the popup for installing Universal didn't show up
  • Fixed a bug where some SVG images wouldn't show up in detail tiles
  • Fixed a bug where detail data was shown incorrectly without a parent
  • Fixed a bug where details would get out of sync when moving quickly through rows in the grid


  • Fixed the suggestion control showing No result when opened
  • Fixed 'execute' translation on task popup and 'select' translation on lookup popup
  • The text of the DateTime control is now correctly shown in Firefox
  • The sort order is now kept intact when going into edit mode
  • Fixed a bug where the grid rows would become bigger if there was an error in the form
  • You can now sort on cube field


  • Removed unused count statement from lookup queries


  • Fixed security issues in our third party packages

What we'll be working on next sprint

The next sprint we'll be working on process flows mostly:

  • Adding some start actions for process flow (those indicate when a flow should start, like open document or after executing a task)
  • Adding some suggested actions for process flows (those indicate what should happen in the flow, like refresh the document or show a task dialog)
  • Multirow selection in the grid
  • Tackling some bugs

Hi @Tim de Lang, as a result of the Release Event yesterday we had a discussion in the team about Default edit mode and Autosave. While it sounds very promising we believe this to be quite learning curve for our users and therefore a bit risky for accidental errors.

I for one always click in a grid in order to enable scrolling. Even though it is not necessary in the Universal GUI this has become an unconsious habbit due to a lot of tools who do need to have the scroll area ‘activated’. As a result I see me risking to make changes to data accidentaly if Default edit mode is enabled for certain grids. In the demoed example from yesterday a typical error for me could be to uncheck a checkbox.

While considering various potential solutions and thinking of a new Idea I stumbled on below sentence in your blog. This sounds like a potential solver of the above described risk, any indication on delivery timelines?

Later we'll add a button so the user can enable default edit mode temporarily.


Hi @Arie V,

Immediately enabling checkboxes only happens when you have auto-edit enabled. For now you could leave that disabled.

We have the feature to temporarily enable auto-edit on our backlog, but we haven’t scheduled it yet. Could you submit this as an idea on the community? That enables other users to vote on it which gives us an idea about the priority. And maybe people will pitch in with their ideas about the feature so we can take those ideas into account when implementing it.

Kind regards,
