Review code per template instead of per control procedure

Related products: Software Factory

With regards to a previous topic, Code review items per template | Thinkwise Community (, I would like to repost this idea.

The desire to have a review per template still is present. The comment suggest that it is an improvement to be able to comment the code per template, but that always has been possible with a little bit of effort by simply naming the template before you mention your comments. 

The real issue is that you are not able to approve or reject a single template, but you always have to reject the whole control procedure. I really would like to see a finer solution to reviewing items in the software factory. In addition to templates we would also like to be able to review expression fields, prefilters and also unit tests.


Our development team discussed this idea again. We will not put any effort into picking up this idea, since we would prefer to extend this even further and make it possible to review and comment on all changes to a model. We already have plans to optimize the branching mechanism so that we can provide a pull request-like mechanism, similar to GIT for example.

I will merge your idea into another idea that focuses on being able to review more than currently possible.

Updated idea statusOpenMerged
Idea merged into:

All the votes from this idea have been transferred.

Thanks for the update.


If the idea is to extend this further then I am all for it.