Merge conflicts on the x and y axis of objects

Related products: Software Factory


When editing process flows or data model diagrams, we sometimes get merge conflicts on the location of process flow actions and tables in the diagram. 

If for example, in branch A I move process action Z a bit to the left and in branch B a collogue moves branch B a bit to the right, this results in a merge conflict. 


Since this is merely an aesthetic change I do not want to be bothered by it when trying to merge my branch. When you rearrange an entire process flow these conflicts can stack up and confuse (junior) developers. So I think it should be possible to either

  1. Don’t take this conflicts into account when creating a merge session
  2. Add a setting so I can configure the SF to not takes these conflicts into account.

Hi Harry,

There is of course the possibility that personal diagrams are changed in both the Origin and in the Branch, causing these merge conflicts. Resolving these conflicts is not too time consuming I suppose, but there are also reasons to keep these seen as conflicts.

Data models and Process flow designs are constructed in a logical manner (generally). In case you have been repositioning the tables inside a diagram or repositioning process actions and steps inside a process flow design, you would like this to be included in the merge session. After the merge, you would like the diagram or design to be as intended.

In case a colleague happened to have done the same in the Origin, either directly or occurring after his own merge session, you would like to resolve these conflicts instead of letting the automatic resolving of conflicts resolve this for you in an undesired way.

After knowing this, would you still opt for these conflicts to be ignored with the possible consequences?

Hi Mark, 

Yeah I think I agree with you. This a nuisance for us since we don’t have strict designs of our data model and thus don’t attach much value to these conflicts but I understand other TW users who would like to me notified of any conflicts. And if we don’t care, resolving the questions is not that time consuming. 

So considering what you said, no I would not still opt for these conflicts to be ignored and the idea could be closed :) 
