Add 'Execute Procedure' as process action type for Process Flows

Related products: Software Factory

Since process flows can be scheduled it would be valuable to have this feature available.

Especially for environments that use AzureSQL, because they don't have an Agent to schedule jobs.

Personally I prefer to use Procedures for scheduled jobs, instead of tasks. I only use tasks where in case  only where user interaction is applicable.




Hey Harm,

Is the DB Connector (Database connector) not something you could use for that? In the DB connector you have the option to execute a SQL command. You could put in something like 'Exec dbo.procedure’ and add some parameters if needed.

Would that suffice?

EDIT: I do have to add that the DB connector less optimal than a dedicated Process action, for instance when the procedure name changes. Then you should change the SQL code too.

Kind regards,
Mark Jongeling

Hello Mark,

This sounds like the solution I am looking for.

I will try it.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Best regards,




I would like to leave the connection string empty and the SQL command to be executed on the end database.

With a Connection String containing username and password, we introduce a security issue. 

Another challenge is to make connection strings flexible for multi tenant application scenarios.

For my tests I used the following connection string: 
Driver={SQL Server};Server=SERVERNAME;Database=DATABASENAME;Trusted_Connection=Yes;

I understand the concerns and difficulties it may bring. Your wish would eliminate this :wink: You got my vote.

The problem is, that trusted connections cannot be used on AzureSQL databases.


The problem is, that trusted connections cannot be used on AzureSQL databases.


Didn't know that but now I do. Even more reason to have an ‘Execute Procedure’ Process action.

Hi Harm,

We currently (from 2021.1) support the Application connector. This Process action is supported in System Flows and can run a SQL query on an application named in IAM. Does this solve the problem?