We have the following situation. We have 3 tables, activity, activity_item and item. We first make an activity with some extra needed info, after that we want to multiselect some items (filtered on some conditions) to the activity.
So after selecting the items there is a task to assign those items to the activity_item table.
At that moment the activity_id from activity table is not available in the task, which I want to fill. I tried a process flow, but I do not think there is an option after opening the document and filter to wait for selection of the items. See screenshot below

The first task will be opened form the Activity table after you have selected an activity
In that task you select the option how you want to filter the items.
The Item table will be opened and filtered according the first task.
In this situation the flow continues to the next task where activity_id is filled. But that step should be done after selecting items form the item table
Is there a way to wait until items are selected or fill a new table task on item with the activity_id that is set from the process?