In our application there is a task “Importeren calculatiebestand (CUF-XML)” that should create a master record and multiple detail records based on the given task parameters.

The master record will be created based on the information underneath the header “Standaard optie” and the detail records should be created based on the content of the XML file. The XML data is imported with the following code:
EXEC (' INSERT INTO import_xml ( guid, bron, xml_data, volledige_bestandsnaam, ingevoerd_op, ingevoerd_door, gewijzigd_op, gewijzigd_door ) SELECT ''' + @import_xml_guid + ''', ''CUF'', xmldata, ''' + @bestand + ''', ''' + @datum_tekst + ''', ''' + @gebruikersnaam + ''', ''' + @datum_tekst + ''', ''' + @gebruikersnaam + ''' FROM ( SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET (BULK ''' + @bestand + ''' , SINGLE_BLOB) AS xmldata ) AS FileImport (XMLDATA) ')
With a Windows GUI everything works fine. The problem appears with the web GUI.
The XML file can be seleced with the control File upload. I checked the folder .\App_Data\RadUploadTemp\ from the web GUI and the file is being uploaded as a temp file. But after executing the task, I got the following error message:
Cannot bulk load because the file "……..\DemoJPDS\CUF-XML\Extra heipalen.xml" could not be opened. Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.)
The XML file is not moved from the folder RadUploadTemp to the file storage location that is linked to the domain bestand_upload (type of the task parameter that contains the XML file). When I remove all code from the acual task, then the XML file is moved to the storage location.
I thought of pausing the task with WAITFOR DELAY before the starting the bulk import. But that did not make any difference.
Both the application pool user as well as the service account for SQL Server have sufficient rights in the specified folder. The application pool user also has the role bulkadmin.
I have seen the issue "Access denied when uploading file to folder without edit rights” ( as well, but I could not see any simularity with this problem.
What can I do to fix this “Access is denied” error?