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Hi, for our project I would like to show icons in a grid. I am currently using a table (A) to show the data and this table (A) has an id for table (B) which should hold the icon that has to be showed on screen in the grid with table (A). I already found the option to use icons in the elements of a domain, however we want the project to have more flexibility, instead of “hard-coding” the options into the elements. I also found the option to upload and download files, but using the icons already in the software factory would be ideal for us. So, is there a way to store an icon/reference to an icon and show it on the screen in a grid?

(We use the Windows GUI 2024.2)

Hi Max,

I think you are wishing for this feature:
Image combo for lookup subject with icon data. | Thinkwise Community (

The current alternative is having the icon_id, and two expression columns; one for the icon_name (with storage location) and one for the icon_data (varbinary(max)). The Software Factory also does this this way.

In the Grid, you then would only show the icon_name, and if needed also the icon_id for adding/editing.

In the Form, a Layout procedure can toggle between showing the icon_id and showing the name and data based on the @layout_mode.
