The only question I have, is how to determine the file_id of a saved files?
Would it be possible anyways, or a another approach required?
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Hello Harm,
The file_id parameter is an optional parameter that is only used for browser caching purposes. When the file_id is provided, Indicium will include a header in the response that instructs the browser to cache the response for that URL. When the file_id is not included (or file_id=null), the URL is not specific enough to allow the browser to cache it, but the request will work just fine.
You can only obtain the file_id by sending a request for the subject and including an $eager querystring parameter with a comma-separated list of file columns for which you want a file_id. So in your example, if you’d send this request:
GET https://..../entity_document(ent_id=11111,doc_id=999999)?$eager=doc_url
You would see the download URL in the response with the file_id included.