For printing documents (pdf files, txt files for label printer) we need some settings per user so we can specify which printer is to be used (without manual user input). So I need a look-up for printers.
In advanced menu we can add printers, but can we use this table in our data model? Or are these printers only for reporting?
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Hi Tejo,
In versions 2022.1 and lower of the platform , the Printer table is indeed Base table in the Advanced menu and can be assigned to Reports. This will allow Report to be printed by the given printer.
From version 2022.2 that is coming mid-July, the Printer table will be brought inside the project version context. This will mean that it can be still used for Reports but the Printer address can be changed in IAM. Very handy when the Development printer address is different from the Production printer address.
Printing based on user will I think require all those users having their own IAM application for your end product. This way, every IAM application can have an alternative printer address and employees won't have to think twice about the Printer address. To which application user will log into can be done by User groups and assigning that group to the correct Application.
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your response, I understand that Thinkwise has no further printer settings, besides naming a printer for reporting. So specific printers (and trays) for specific users can only be controlled by creating different applications for every combination. That’s not a real solution, right? It’s a workaround.
So I guess the only solution is to create a project-datamodel around these printers and users so we can define the specific settings for printing. Do you know if there are examples for print commands from a task, specifying the exact printer? I searched in documentation but could only find
Hi Tejo,
I asked some colleagues and they brought to my attention that Reports can have parameters with properties assigned to them; One of those properties being Printer name.
This means that you can change the value of this parameter using Default logic to change the Printer name on the fly. By creating a Printer table in your own End product and combining Users and Printers, you can ensure using dbo.tsf_user() that the correct printer is inputted in the parameter that has the Printer name property.
Report parameter property - Printer name
This means that the Printer name specified in your model does not have to be an existing printer per se. Do know that any Printer name specified in this parameter, should be installed/available for the user on their machine/computer.
Hope this helps!
Thanks Mark, that we indeed can use for reports!
We also have pdf’s and text files as varbinary in the database that should be printed directly from the Thinkwise GUI, to a specific printer. Any solution or hints for that too?
Thanks Mark, that we indeed can use for reports!
We also have pdf’s and text files as varbinary in the database that should be printed directly from the Thinkwise GUI, to a specific printer. Any solution or hints for that too?
I don't have a solution to that currently, feel free to create an Idea for this.
In 2022.2, we are introducing a Print file process action that can be used inside Process flows (Universal GUI) and System flows. This process action will take a name and data to print it using the assigned Printer. This does not work in combination with the Report parameter property Printer name.