Universal HTML field with HREF, Target gets stripped?
Hi. We made a custom HTML field for a card list and it shows attachments.
Some are too big to show inline and we want to give them a link. This works.. but for some reason the target predicate get stripped with the result that the link doesn't open in a new tab/window.
How can we solve this? Deep linking to a preview component is not supported yet right?
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Hi @Freddy,
Can you send an example HTML snippet in which the target attribute would be stripped? If I insert the following HTML into the database and open it in Universal in a HTML control, it opens google.com in a new tab if I click the link:
I can also see in Chrome DevTools that it indeed stays intact:
Hi @Freddy,
Can you send an example HTML snippet in which the target attribute would be stripped? If I insert the following HTML into the database and open it in Universal in a HTML control, it opens google.com in a new tab if I click the link:
I can also see in Chrome DevTools that it indeed stays intact:
Could it be that the card list behaves differently?
I get my attachments dynamically… with the TARGET mentioned.
select pat.tenant_id ,pat.activity_id ,string_agg(iif(pat.attachment_type = 0 ,'<a href="'+cf.s_url+'" target="_blank">' + '<img src="'+cf.s_url+'" height="80px" /></a>' ,'<ul><li><a href="'+cf.s_url+ '" target="_blank">' + pat.file_upload + '</a></li></ul>') ,'') as attachments from process_attachment pat left join csc_variable fu on fu.variable_code = 'i_in_url_u' cross apply ( select replace(replace(fu.variable_value,'vtenant_id]',pat.tenant_id),'tattachment_id]',pat.attachment_id) as s_url ) cf group by pat.tenant_id ,pat.activity_id
and it gets stripped.:
Hi @Freddy,
I see the cardlist and grid indeed behave differently. In the form, the target attribute actually first gets stripped too, but after that every link will receive target=”_blank” so URLs open in a new tab. The same should probably be done for the cardlist and grid. Could you create a ticket for this in TCP please?
Kind regards, Leroy
Hi @Freddy,
I see the cardlist and grid indeed behave differently. In the form, the target attribute actually first gets stripped too, but after that every link will receive target=”_blank” so URLs open in a new tab. The same should probably be done for the cardlist and grid. Could you create a ticket for this in TCP please?