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When I add a tag to a topic, it is ignored.

The extra Save button that appears when you use the '+ Modify tags' link lies to the user. it will not save a tag if not first the hidden interface of using 'Enter' is used.

The extra Save button is also bugged in another way: it throws away any edits the user has added to the topic body. Not cool.

Please fix.
Can you be more specific about what you mean by adding a tag? Because I see that you have added a tag BUG.

What do you mean by an extra save button? As far as I know, there is no additional save button.
1st issue:

If you click '+Modify tags', a text input field plus Save button appears.

If then type a tag and click save without hitting the Tab or Enter key the tag is discarded. Not cool.

2nd issue:

If you create a topic and save it, and then realize you forgot something and edit the post, the post is put in Edit mode and a save button for the post is shown.

If you then click on '+Modify tags', an extra text input field plus an extra Save button for the tags appears.

If you had already used the Edit field for the topic to add information, and then hit the extra save button for the Tag, the page updates and the edits to the topic have been discarded. Not cool.
1st issue:

I understand it's not cool. But for that you really need to use the comma, tab or enter to prevent it.

2nd issue:

I will discuss this with our supplier.
I think the first issue merits a discussion as well.
