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We have multiple applications in 1 IAM. The user is able to switch from 1 application to the other. This is sometimes confusing: the customer cannot see clearly in which application he is working (the applications ar the same, only the data differs).


Is it possible to close all tabs that are open when switching to a different application within the same IAM? Or is there another solutions to make it mor clear in which application the customer is working?


We are currently using the webgui mostly for this (2020.1, upgrading to 2021.1 in decem


I used to give both applications different themes. For example, if you run a test environment next to a production environment and you want to make sure you are never mistaken - I would give the test environment List Bar Menu a bright red background. If you have a tile menu maybe change the background color of components such as grids and forms.

Thanks for your answer Mark. It is certainly a possibility. Right now we have incorporated the application title into the breadcrumbs, which is basically the same but less intrusive :slight_smile:

Being able to close the opened tabs when changing the application in IAM would be better I think. I will post it in the idea section.