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Is it possible to start a task or trigger the start of a process flow from within a stored procedure? How can you do this?

The idea is that from within a Default procedure I want to open a pop-up and let the user enter more detail data, so basically start a process flow. Normally I would do this by adding a button, but question Create a button for number generator triggered me to think differently, and maybe start on a change of a radio button.

If starting a process flow is not possible, but it is possible to start a task that triggers the start of a process flow is also an option.

Hi Roy,

Starting a Process flow during the Adding/editing of a field is not possible. During that you can use the Default and Layout procedure to do some SQL coding; for example generating a number.

What you can do is after saving the record that the Process flow will continue its flow. If the Process flow starts with Add row and/or Edit row, then the Process flow will start upon doing that. Then after saving it will go to the next action which can be a message with option saying "Would you like to open another screen?”. Option Yes opens the screen, option No exits the Process flow.

I think you are describing the behavior of a lookup, which opens a detail with more information and upon selectiong, its value will be added to the current row. Otherwise maybe a Detail tab next to the form is an idea, dependend on how much space the screen has left.
