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What is the use of the status for requirements? At this point the status of a requirement is always new and does not change during the whole project.

It would be nice to have statusses like:

  • In progress - requirement is being worked on.
  • Approved - The key stakeholder has agreed to the requirement and the developer has agreed that it is possible to create
  • Implemented - Code has been designed and is ready for review
  • Verified - The requirement is tested and is functioning correctly
  • Deleted - An approved requirement is deleted. An explanation is needed of why and by whom the decision was made to delete it.
  • Rejected - The requirement is not approved. The why and by whom it has been rejected is relevant.
  • Deprecated - The requirement is no longer in use and has been replaced by a new requirement.

It should also be possible to filter out all of the requirements based upon the status. This way you can always refer to a certain requirement that has been deleted or rejected if it is brought up in confersation with the customer.
Hi Rianne,

The status will change to approved or disapproved as soon as the requirement is either approved or disapproved in a baseline. As long as the requirement has not been approved or disapproved in a baseline, the status will be new.

If the requirement name or description has been modified since this approval or disapproval, the status will be modified.

Over the last year, we've received a lot of input when it comes to the status of requirements. We have found no no middleground when it comes to the set of statuses.

One thing that's quite certain is that the requirement status will be split into two different statuses:

  • Specification approval status
  • Development status

We plan to have the values of these statuses configurable in the Software Factory, to align with the needs of the development team.

Keep an eye out for any blogs regarding requirements, as soon as we have the last details hammered out we'll share it with everyone.
