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We have started in a few places in app to separate the grid and details of the lines because the screen was to crowded.

We do that by using a task triggered by double-click on record which starts a process flow:

  1. Depending on the place task was triggered, the process flow takes the primary key and navigates to a variant passing as filter the primary key
  2. On the variant, we have only the details of the record clicked

The main problem is that if the user refreshes the page, the primary key is lost and the form will display the information for the first record in the initial grid.

Is there a solution for this? If not, maybe we can find a solution, me and my colleagues where thinking that besides the subject and variant used will help also to include in URL the record in focus.

this is the current URL
our proposal

In this way, not only will help keeping individual pages for records relevant but also in grid to not lose the focus on a row and maybe other usages that I don't have currently in mind.


@Ionut Might indeed be an improvement to include the PK of the selected record to the URL.

One thing I would like to clarify: I assume the below happens when the user refreshes the browser tab / PWA (using F5 for example), not when using the Refresh button on the Subject? If so, why would a user do this in your case?

The main problem is that if the user refreshes the page, the primary key is lost and the form will display the information for the first record in the initial grid.

In your particular example of the Variant that opens a Form without a Grid, I would suggest you enable the Subject > Variant > Settings option ‘Start empty with filter’. This will ensure that after a browser refresh no record is selected instead of an incorrect one (first one from the Grid).


Indeed, this happens when you refresh the actual browser page, not on the subject refresh.

Is there any idea created to include the PK in the URL that you are aware of ​@Arie V ? If not, should I create one?

Thanks for suggestion!

@Ionut No need for an Idea, as we don't need convincing that this is a good Idea! Have raised TCP 10584S on your behalf.