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When using the Universal GUI, a tsf_send_message execution from a task shows the following message: "Stage task commit failed. Error: unknown_error_occurred”. When i use the same task in the Web GUI, it shows the message i'm expecting: “Invalid quantity, there are more quantities delivered then ordered".

The response headers contains the following data (decoded string of TSFMessages):

{"MessageType":"ApplicationDbMessage","RawMessage":"<msg id=\"purchase_order_line_not_deliverable_invalid_quantity\"></msg>","MessageID":null,"NamedParameters":null}

The "msg” element is sent with the right data. The returned status code is "500 Internal Server Error”. Any idea what causes this problem?

We recently released an Universal GUI in TCP which should resolve this problem. Please try version 1.3.1 of the GUI.

Does this version show the message as expected?


Regards, Erik