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I’m encountering issues while editing a specific table form.  

When I click on any of the checkboxes, it immediately clears the forms. I assume this is related to the default procedure because when I disable the default procedure in subjects, the issue no longer occurs. However, even after re-enabling the default procedure and commenting out all of the code, and then executing the empty default procedure script, the problem persists.

Also, this problem only occurs in Universal Gui (2024.

What could be causing this and how do I fix it?

Hi Jaycee,

The Universal GUI formlist saves after every field you edit and leave. One thing that can help alot is setting the Refresh after update to Row for this subject in SF > Subjects > Settings: Performance tab > After update. If that is either set to Row or None, I think that fixes the behavior you see.

After update setting


Hi Mark

I tried this but it didnt work. I also tried “None” instead of “Row” and that didnt work either. 

I do see some improvements mentioned for the Formlist in GUI version 2024.1.12. Could you try the current latest Universal GUI version 2024.1.13 to see if that helps? I hope this solves the issue. Otherwise we would need to inspect it for which you can create a ticket.

That didn’t work, i’ll be making a TCP ticket.