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When executing a task for a selection of rows, the user interface first executes the context procedure for every single row to check if the user is allowed to execute the task for that row, and then executes the task for each permitted row. This can be quite time consuming, especially for web clients where the progress is also reported back to the client.

To speed up multirow task execution, a new feature has been developed to execute tasks for a selection of rows.

To enable multirow execution for a task:

  1. Add an XML-typed parameter to the task
  2. Make sure Popup for each row is switched off
  3. Set the MultiselectParameterID extended property with the name of the parameter

With multirow execution enabled for a task, when the user interface executes the task, the specified XML parameter is filled with the parameter values for all rows. Even if only one row is selected.

The parameter is only filled when the task is executed. The XML is therefore not visible in the popup or available in the default and layout logic.

Example XML parameter value:


Be aware that both the default and the context logic are executed only once and not for every row. The parameter values for all rows are included in the XML, even if the context logic would have disabled the execution of the task for a specific row. The user interface also does not remove duplicate parameter rows when composing the XML, so you'll need to take care of that yourself.

In the task logic, use the XML parameter value instead of the regular parameters, for example:


select distinct
row.value('./param1[1]', 'int'),
row.value('./param2[1]', 'varchar(10)')
from @xml.nodes('/rows/row') as t2(row)


select distinct 
from xmltable ('$xml/rows/row' passing v_xml as "xml"
param1 integer path './param1[1]',
param2 varchar(10) path './param2[1]'
) as r;

For information on working with XML data on SQL Server, see this link.
More info on SQL XML programming for IBM i can be found here.

Ok, I think your proposed solution is clear to me and I think this 2 step solution will work. Thanks for the clear explanation. At least I will give this a try.

I hope you will still consider the idea of providing the XML data in the default procedure for multirow tasks. Setting up a scenario like this with this alternative solution will cost much more time to develop and maintain, think about authorisations settings, etc… Little changes in the model can affect 2 tasks and the processflow and cause unexpected results or errors.


Thank you for the clear explanation of your proposed solution.

This is a workable alternative, which I will try. I expect this will work fine.


...Still I hope you will consider to add the xml of row values in the default procedure, because this will save a lot of development en maintenance effort. Just having 1 task, instead of 2 plus a process flow is much more complicated, think about all additional role settings.


Hi @Jasper & @Anne Buit, we recently added the xml formatting in our task to make multiselect work. Before, we made use of a table which we filled and emptied via the use of a process flow. This is not needed anymore thanks to your xml tip! 

However, we did have default & layout logic which were based on the above stated table. Since this table is not needed anymore, I wanted to base the logic on the xml field regarding defaults and layouts. 

You clearly stated the following:

“The parameter is only filled when the task is executed. The XML is therefore not visible in the popup or available in the default and layout logic.”

Is there anyway to work around this? How can we track the selected rows in the default/layout using this method?

Hi @Marijn van de Bree,

Would this suggestion from Robbert and Mark be an option?

@Jasper I believe you meant to tag @Marijn Metzlar😄

Of course, sorry about that!


I am using multirow task execution in a task where parameters are type date and time. The XML is filled with what looks like UNIX date format and the trimeformat is even more excotic…


The above values in the XML  are selected in the GUI, but for starters, the date in XML will become 2022-11-02 using the following SQL statement


row.value('./maut_period 1]' , 'reference_number') as maut_period
, row.value('./maut_booking_number 1]' , 'reference') as maut_booking_number
, row.value('./maut_serial_number 1]' , 'sequence') as maut_serial_number
, row.value('./maut_vehicle_registration_no _1]' , 'vehicle_registration_no') as maut_vehicle_registration_no
, row.value('./maut_date 1]' , 'datetime') as maut_date
-- , row.value('./maut_time 1]' , 'time') as maut_time
, row.value('./maut_description 1]' , 'reference') as maut_description
from @input_set.nodes('/rows/row') as t1(row)

How do I get the date and time back to what is selected in the GUI when selecting multiple rows? The date and time are keys in the table that needs to be updated…



Hi Henri,

I think we need to fix this in our runtime components, so can you please submit a ticket for it?

Please note that it is generally not recommended to use time fields in a key, due to possible rounding differences when converting between different formats and/or programming language datatypes. We strongly recommend using a surrogate key (identity) in combination with a unique index on the semantic key instead.

Hi Henri,

I think we need to fix this in our runtime components, so can you please submit a ticket for it?

Please note that it is generally not recommended to use time fields in a key, due to possible rounding differences when converting between different formats and/or programming language datatypes. We strongly recommend using a surrogate key (identity) in combination with a unique index on the semantic key instead.

You're right, but this is how I get things from the supplier and I want to keep the “keys” similar, to avoid duplicate processing of data… We get the information delivered as a CSV file from the German MAUT instance..

However… For the date part I got it fixed (i think) by supplying datetimeoffset in the xml query:

Thanks so far.. When the time part is fixed I certainly will add that as well. For now the date is “unique enough” ;-)

I will supply a ticket for this issue ( especially the time format is something I'd like to see in a normal format ) 

  @Robbert van Tongeren  thanks for sharing your dynamic assigned CP code, 2 years later it has come in handy for us. Here is an upgraded version of the code that is compatible with at least version 2023.01 

In Roberts’ words:
The goal of this procedure is that we don't have to retrieve the XML manually for all the XML variables and we have the same xml_table for each task procedure, also when we add a new parameter to the table task, this will be added automatically. This way you can use the table @xml_table in the template code for the task, instead of reading out the XML parameter every time you need some data.

All credits to @Robbert van Tongeren 

Code for the template:

declare @xml_table table (
comma]>task_parmtr_id] _dom_id]
insert into @xml_table (
tcomma]row.value('./otask_parmtr_id]k1]', 'rdom_id]')
from @

Code for the control_procedure (Assignment "SQL”, code group "TASKS”):
Make sure you are using Strategy ‘staged’ - see this page for explanation. 

--Definition of the MultiSelectParameterID
declare @extended_property_id extended_property_id = 'MultiselectParameterID'

--Variable to save the value of the MultiSelectParameterID
declare @xml_variable property_value

--Table to save the task_id's which have a MultiSelectParameterID
declare @task table (task_id task_id)

--Retreive the tasks which have a task parameter, which have a MultiSelectParameterID connected.
insert into @task (task_id)
select t.task_id
from task t
where t.model_id = @model_id
and t.branch_id = @branch_id
and exists (select 1
from task_parmtr tp
where tp.model_id = t.model_id
and tp.branch_id = t.branch_id
and tp.task_id = t.task_id
and exists (select 1
from runtime_extended_property ep
join runtime_configuration rc
on rc.model_id = ep.model_id
and rc.branch_id = ep.branch_id
and rc.runtime_configuration_id = ep.runtime_configuration_id
and rc.default_configuration = 1
where ep.model_id = tp.model_id
and ep.branch_id = tp.branch_id
and ep.extended_property_id = @extended_property_id
and ep.property_value = tp.task_parmtr_id

--Retreive the value of the MultiSelectParameterID
select @xml_variable = ep.property_value
from runtime_extended_property ep
join runtime_configuration rc
on rc.model_id = ep.model_id
and rc.branch_id = ep.branch_id
and rc.runtime_configuration_id = ep.runtime_configuration_id
and rc.default_configuration = 1
where ep.model_id = @model_id
and ep.branch_id = @branch_id
and ep.extended_property_id = @extended_property_id
group by ep.property_value

--Connect the task to the template
insert into #prog_object_item (
select concat_ws('_','task',t.task_id)
from @task t

--Fill the variables.
insert into #prog_object_item_parmtr (
select concat_ws('_','task',t.task_id)
,'comma' as task_parmtr_id
,case when x.min_abs_order_no = tp.abs_order_no then ' ' else ',' end as parmtr_value
,tp.abs_order_no * 10
,0 as no_line_when_empty
from @task t
join task_parmtr tp
on tp.model_id = @model_id
and tp.branch_id = @branch_id
and tp.task_id = t.task_id
cross apply (select min(abs_order_no) as min_abs_order_no
from task_parmtr tpm
where tpm.model_id = tp.model_id
and tpm.branch_id = tp.branch_id
and tpm.task_id = tp.task_id
and tpm.task_id <> @xml_variable
) x
where tp.task_parmtr_id <> @xml_variable

union all

select concat_ws('_','task',t.task_id)
,'task_parmtr_id' as task_parmtr_id
,tp.task_parmtr_id as parmtr_value
,tp.abs_order_no * 10
,0 as no_line_when_empty
from @task t
join task_parmtr tp
on tp.model_id = @model_id
and tp.branch_id = @branch_id
and tp.task_id = t.task_id
where tp.task_parmtr_id <> @xml_variable

union all

select concat_ws('_','task',t.task_id)
,'dom_id' as task_parmtr_id
,tp.dom_id as parmtr_value
,tp.abs_order_no * 10
,0 as no_line_when_empty
from @task t
join task_parmtr tp
on tp.model_id = @model_id
and tp.branch_id = @branch_id
and tp.task_id = t.task_id
where tp.task_parmtr_id <> @xml_variable

union all

select concat_ws('_','task',t.task_id)
,'xml_variable' as task_parmtr_id
,@xml_variable as parmtr_value
,0 as no_line_when_empty
from @task t


I have a multi row task that starts a process flow. Now I want to show progress (tsf_send_progress), but this progress is not shown in the GUI. When I look in the debug tab I can see the messages are sent. What could be the reason?   
