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In the release notes 2023.3.12, the HTML and Multiline in Grid controls were mentioned.

For my understanding, is it now also possible to have multiline HTML in a grid field?

And achieve something like this?


Hi Harm,

The Release notes mentioned the HTML and Multiline control as it is now supported to edit these fields in Grid Edit mode. HTML however can only be edited after opening the popup using the available control/icon in the Grid. In the 2024.1 Release, we did add a Word wrap option which is available for only the Multiline control. 

I'm not sure if the HTML control can exactly replicate the scenario in your image, but this is a quick example:

Example HTML

Most likely you can format this much better using HTML tags, styling and such.

Thank you Mark,

I have tried it and we are now able to do what we were looking for.

A read-only HTML control in combination with Font Awesome and some html styling and settings in custom.css it gives a nice picture, like below.  

For small screens, we prefer using a card list, because of its auto-max-width behavior, this gives almost the same picture but doesn’t support multirow select.