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I have following warning in the indicium log (2022.2.15):

2022-11-15T09:45:00.0010321+01:00   WRN] Process action "list_folder_connector_ubl_files" in processflow "ubl_read_files_system_flow" in application 224 returned the following message: "The parameter 'Delete all directory contents' was provided with an invalid value 'list_folder_recursive_no'. Only disk_list_recursive_on and disk_list_recursive_off are recognized, defaulting to disk_list_recursive_off (false)." (86be518d)


It tells me to provide a value on or off, but I can only choose No or Yes:


I am able to recreate this can you make a ticket for this in TCP so I can add steps to recreate to the ticket and forward it to our development team? 

Hello Hugo,

This issue has been fixed in version 2022.2.16.2 of Indicium, which is currently available in TCP. More information can be found here.