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I have following warning in the indicium log (2022.2.15):

2022-11-15T09:45:00.0010321+01:00   WRN] Process action "list_folder_connector_ubl_files" in processflow "ubl_read_files_system_flow" in application 224 returned the following message: "The parameter 'Delete all directory contents' was provided with an invalid value 'list_folder_recursive_no'. Only disk_list_recursive_on and disk_list_recursive_off are recognized, defaulting to disk_list_recursive_off (false)." (86be518d)


It tells me to provide a value on or off, but I can only choose No or Yes:


Hello Hugo,

This issue has been fixed in version 2022.2.16.2 of Indicium, which is currently available in TCP. More information can be found here.

I am able to recreate this can you make a ticket for this in TCP so I can add steps to recreate to the ticket and forward it to our development team?Â