Currently it's not possible to toggle prefilters on or off with the Layout or Context procedure; only the visibility is changable. Alternatively there's the Process flow process actions to turn the prefilters on or off. or using variants to enforce prefilters to be on/off or visible/hidden.
Would be a great idea to post for sure 
Can you elaborate on how this should work from a user’s perspective?Â
Can you describe a concrete example where you want the active row to change the available filters or even the active filters?
The print buttons and tasks can be bound to the active row and because of this, can be disabled based on the information of the active row.
By nature, the prefilters modify the set and have little to do with the active row. I can't think of a scenario where you'd want the active row to change the available prefilters. Having it change the active prefilters would cause very weird behavior as the active row would change again after activating different prefilters.
In a scenario where the filtering of a detail tab should influence the available prefilters, mutliple details with different variants can be used in combination with context logic on the parent subject to ensure the correct prefilters are available and active in the detail tab.
In the current situation I have 3 filters.Â
- All Vessels without owners
- All Vessel with an owner
- All vessel with ME as an owner
The end user however wants to switch easily between the three (or no filter active).Â
If you select one filter, you don’t need the other filters. Therefor, do not show them. DEselect the active filter, and the others re-appear.Â
Currently I’ve grouped them so they disable each other, so you can’t turn on 2 at the same time. I just thought it would be nice to keep things clean. Â
I see, that makes more sense. A logic procedure wouldn't be needed at that point, this would be more of a setting for a non-mandatory exclusive prefilter group: Hide other prefilters when a prefilter in the group is active.
From an UX point-of-view it takes more effort to switch to a different prefilter (turn off the active prefilter, activate the new prefilter). From a performance perspective it's not ideal either, as turning off the active prefilter will cause the unfiltered set to load, after which a new set is loaded when the new prefilter is activated.
However, it would de-clutter things a bit, especially if a default prefilter is present in the group. Perhaps an alternative solution would be to show an exclusive prefilter group as a combo? Anyway, feel free to create a topic in the Ideation section!