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We want to use the English language but with Dutch regional format settings (decimal symbol, thousand separator symbol and date formatting) in our application. My Windows settings are set to represent this (see screenshot 1).

However the Universal GUI still shows numeric values with a dot as decimal symbol (dates are formatted correctly though). Where does the GUI gets this setting from and how can we influence this? 


In use comma instead of point | Thinkwise Community the custom_display_format extender was mentioned, but this does not seem to work (the domain field does not appear).

The only solution we found is by setting Dutch on top as preferred language in the browser (tested with Edge and Chrome). But we don't want to change the preferred language, we only want to change the regional format settings. 


Screenshot 1: Windows settings


In use comma instead of point | Thinkwise Community the custom_display_format extender was mentioned, but this does not seem to work (the domain field does not appear).

Could you create a ticket for this in TCP? This is something we will have to resolve.

In terms of your question, I hope someone on the Community knows more on this topic and can help you out.

@PeterKeeris ​@Mark Jongeling At the moment these settings are indeed derived from the first preferred browser language for the Universal GUI. It’s hard to get it implemented in another way.

Recently had a conversation on this topic with another customer as well, and it is on the radar to provide more support for distinguishing Language and Localization settings like decimal/thousand separator and date display formatting (as well as first day of week in the date picker). I believe we should offer proper support for this via an Application and/or User Preference setting in IAM. This should replace all Extenders/Extended Properties related to this topic, if you ask me.

Instead of a TCP issue, might I suggest you raise an Idea related to ‘Localization’ settings, so we can gather more input, insights and votes from the Community?

Instead of a TCP issue, might I suggest you raise an Idea related to ‘Localization’ settings, so we can gather more input, insights and votes from the Community?

Thanks for your reply, I have made the idea here: Setup localization settings as user preference in IAM | Thinkwise Community
