We are trying to write a generated report to our S3 bucket.
The Generate Report has the report action that exports to HTML provided with a file from the (thinkwise) DevExpress tool:

The process initiated by a table task:

The process variables that are used are of varbinary (contract_content) type and the file_path which is located to the S3 bucket (file_path__brg_dms_contract). This file_path has a Default constant value (gcd_test1.html):

The generate_report process action uses the varbinary content (contract_content) as output in report data. The write_file process action uses the file_path as file_location and contract_content as file data:

One time it actually succeeded to write the report into the S3 bucket but I am not able to make it work anymore. The following error is provided when executing this:
Error Number:2812,State:1,Class:16
2022-06-01T13:39:41.5731636+00:00 8000b77a-0000-ee00-b63f-84710c7967bb 6ERR] Process action 'write_file_to_disk' in processflow 'generate_save_report' returned the following message: Process action 'write_file_to_disk' in processflow 'generate_save_report' was provided with an invalid value 'gcd_test1.html' for its 'File location' parameter. The target file path must be absolute. (8d1c7aab)
Or when using no default value in file_path__brg_dms_contract:
2022-06-02T10:11:55.2786570+00:00 80001e4d-0000-f100-b63f-84710c7967bb -ERR] Process action 'write_file_to_disk' in processflow 'generate_save_report' returned the following message: Process action 'write_file_to_disk' in processflow 'generate_save_report' was not provided a (valid) value for its 'File location' parameter. (469bf32a)
How should I correctly fill the File location?