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We would to be able to send whatsapp messages from the application to users, in this case employees. Has anyone done this with the SF? Pleas let me know.

We have implemented Whatsapp integration with the use of the Twilio platform. Just like the facebook api itself, you can use the HTTP connector for the request. You communicate with the twilio servers in this solution. This has 2 benefits for us over the use of the direct FB api.

  • Send a message with just one call to the webserver; it uses a token based scheme for sending messages, the actual interaction with FB is handled by twilio. Effectively this means we only have to send and parse just one request / response, making the processflow a lot easier to create and maintain.
  • This allowes us to have an fallback to SMS when the number you are sending the notification to does not have WhatsApp. 

Hi Edwin,

Facebook offers a Business API for Whatsapp that supports sending messages.

Any HTTP-based API can be consumed by configuring an HTTP connector in the SF. Authentication and authorization can be complicated when the API requires OpenID or OAuth, but the Whatsapp API is fairly easy. It comes down to sending a request to the login endpoint with basic authentication, extracting the authentication token from the response and sending this token with the API call that you want to make. So you will need two HTTP connectors.
