I ran into a problem uploading files with the web GUI (2020.2.20 and earlier as well).
To explain the problem let’s say that we want to upload a document with the filename Test.txt (content: This is version 1). The destination of the uploaded file is the file system. The document is also registered in the table bijlage (column: bijlage, domain: bestand_link, control: file link).
Uploading the document for the first time is successful. No problems here.
But now the user has created an updated version of the file with the filename Test.txt (content: This is version 2). Het decides to delete the previous record from the table bijlage and creates a new record and uploads the updated file Test.txt again.
Because the original file was not deleted from the web server, the upload results in a filename with an adjusted filename: Test_1.txt. The strange thing is, that the upload control still shows the original filename Test.txt and shows the wrong content.

Of course I could delete the file from the file system when deleting the record from the table bijlage. But it is strange that somehow the filename has been changed to Test_1.txt but this is not passed to the control. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to overwrite the original file?