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Hi all,

I want to create a deployment package and write it to the azure file storage. I have done this multiple times. However, now the procedure raises an error:

Access to the path 'D:\Thinkwise\Applications\RIE_MANAGER\rie_tst_support_14032025\Deploy\Install' is denied.

I'm not sure why this happened. Can it be caused by the platform upgrade (2025.1)? This is the first time creating a deployment package since the upgrade.

Kind regards,


Hi Rick,

It seems the File storage location (Generated scripts location) that holds the destination path has been reset in some way. You can reconfigure it in IAM: Creation | Thinkwise Documentation

When upgrading, the SQLSERVER_SF application in IAM is copied with the File storage location overrides, so after upgrading the application should contain the same configuration as before the upgrade.

Thanks ​@Mark Jongeling, this fixed it.

I think it is very weird the file storage location was changed. There was no information in the ‘Modified by’ or ‘Modified on’ columns. It appears to be set to the default value.
