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I've created a editable cube based on a view and by configuring the extender to make it an editable cube.

Now I'd like to mark a certain selection of data-fields as read-only.

Usually this is possible by creating a layout procedure, so this is what I did for the view where the cube is based on.

But for some reason the view is working is expected, but for the cube all fields stay editable.

Does someone maybe know if the layout-logic will also be executed when running a cube ?

SF version is 2021.3.


best regards,


maybe to elaborate some more on the question a screenshot from the view displayed in the Thinkwise end application, and displaying the same data in the cube.

The cube uses the same view as a datasource.

The view has a layout specified with the follwoing code:

-- Only allow  updates on FORECAST-data
IF @QuantityType <> 'FORECAST'
SET @Quantity_type = 1


“Order”-records are not updatable which is correct.



For the same record (and Order-record), it is possible to update the value, which isn't correct.

Hope someone has the answer for solving this issue.


Hi Cyril,

The editable cube in this GUI does indeed not take layout logic into account. You could simply ignore the user input via Handler or instead-of trigger logic when editing should be prohibited, but the user will not be made aware in the UI.

There is a trick to making the fields read-only. But please keep in mind that this is a workaround, and I can't guarantee it will always continue to work well.

A cell is only editable when there is only 1 underlying record. If the value cube field aggregation type is min/max/avg and you ensure all non-editable records are duplicated in the view (via union), the cells will become read-only since they are backed by multiple records.

hi Anne,

thanks for your workaround.
Was also already thinking about it but as you mentioned this not a real solution.
Also the details are now duplicated...(but maybe I also find a workaround for this like prefiltering the details screen - if possible)

Will also create an Idea to support the layout functionality also for the cube-component.