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I have to generate an xml for importing invoice into EXACT globe. 

The xml will be generated using a sql code within a task. 

Can you please guide in what should be the CDATA format for the code?


  1. I tried below code for processing it: 

'<!dCDATAt ' +cast(i.display_invoice_number as varchar) + ' ]]>' as        Description 

Below is the error after its processed in excat : 

Image from EXACT
  1. Removed the CDATA and sent it as below : 
    CONCAT('< ', cast(i.display_invoice_number as varchar), ' >') as        Description
    Still it was not processed in EXACT, and no error message was provided

  2. In the exact knowledge base its mentioned that below characters can be used : 


    Strings in XML can contain all normal characters except &, <, >, " and '. These characters need to be replaced by &amp;, &lt;, &gt;, &quot; and &apos; respectively

    So updated the Descritption to below code :

    The output after processed in Exact : 

    Image from EXACT

Can someone please guide?

Since this is more an exact issue and not so much a software factory issue I'm not sure you will get an answer on this community. If you need further assistance with creating the exact interface you can contact your Thinkwise account manager about the possibilities. 

I was able to resolve it. Its now getting processed at exact.