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We have quite a few validations approved in our apps and over time things have cluttered a bit. 
I do not want to reset all Validations, but want to see what has been approved - but not fixed, so we can maybe revisit these validations. Things might not have been an issue back then, but now.. maybe it is.

So, in general - what would be the best approach in this? 

And - it's a Two Parter! - is it possible to generate a report from the Validations when creating a release? We do this fully automated, so what happens is that this step is sometimes missed. Ideally I would like to get an email from my devops with the results. 

I don't want to crawl through SF for the apps and Models to see what happened. I see task 'task_add_job_to_validate_all’ - but not sure what the output will be. And how to set the @job_id

Curious on what is possible. 


Hi Blommetje,

In the Software Factory, you can visit the Quality > Validations screen. In there, you'll find the usual tree with all validation messages, but also the Maintenance detail tab. This detail tab page holds all Validations, and both indefinitely approved as well as temporary hidden validation messages. This should give you an overview that you are looking for.

There's currently no report available, but you do have both the Assignments detail tab and also the Quality dashboard (menu: Quality > Dashboard). These both should be able to give you all the information you are looking for.

Part of Quality dashboard

Hope this helps!