I am trying to match a CID (Content-ID) with an attachment of an email that was synced using the Exhange Connector.
With other attachments, the filename is in the CID, like in the example below:

This is the case with most of the attachments. And when it’s like this I can match the attachments to the CID easily. Because in the exchange connector saves the file name in the exh_attachments column. With this I can show them in the HTML body, since the HTML body contains the CID’s.
However, in the image below the you can see that the CID is not having the imagename in it. Therefore it would be very nice if I was able to get the content-description (in this case image2.jpeg), with the CID. Then I can use the content-description to match the image in the HTML body of the email.

Can someone help me with this?