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Hi there.

We are using a setup that is described in your documentation: Load balancing | Thinkwise Documentation ( (Azure application gateway). 

We are using the standard import file functionality in a particular case where the file may have >10,000 rows and 30+ columns. The process takes longer than the application gateway request timeout (20 seconds in our case) and therefore a 504 is returned.

Do you have any recommendation of this setting in the application gateway?


Thanks in advance!


Best regards,

Nick Janssen

Hi Nick,

You can asynchronously perform the import by using /start_commit instead of /commit.

Progress will be posted via a websocket. The /end_commit can be polled during the operation, or used to retrieve potential failed rows once the websocket indicates completion.

The Universal GUI will use this approach in recent versions as well.

Hi Anne,

I just included your reaction on our ticket in TCP (#9604S), so maybe it is better to continue our discussion over there.

In our HAR file we can clearly see the import process is using a /commit and not a start_commit. We are using the latest versions as of now.

Universal GUI 2024.

and Indicium version: 

Version: 2024.2
Build: 11.0
Metasource: 2024.2.11 (STS)


Best regards,

Nick Janssen


For the rest of the community: the issue was solved via TCP.

The solution that fixed it is the following setting in your Azure web app:

Screenshot of Azure web app websocket setting


Turn it on and the import process will keep running, even when importing a lot of rows.