Release notes

What's New in WinWeb 2021.1.12

Related products: Windows GUI
What's New in WinWeb 2021.1.12

Hey everyone, welcome to the first WinWeb update of the year! We’ve spent the last two sprints of 2020 working on a lot of fixes as well as spending a chunk of our time checking off work for Windows GUI (3-tier).

Despite having fewer (wo)manpower hours during the festive season, we’ve still managed to work on a steady 31 work items, mostly focusing on maintenance issues from TCP and continuing on our plan towards getting Windows GUI (3-tier) up and running, along with a feature here and there. Here are our most notable implementations in a row:  

New features

  • Extended property SmallDetailTiles is now also available for Web.
IAM > Global configurations > Extended properties > SmallDetailTiles = yes/no

Bugs fixed

  • Timeout error after switching detail tabs in Firefox (Web)
  • After editing a date field, Save button was not working on the first click (Web)
  • Error after executing tasks within a process flow (Web)
  • Refresh was not working together with a ‘Close document’ action from another subject within a process flow (Web)
  • Search form component fixed to jump to the given searched term (Windows).
  • Wrong grid grouping bug fixed (Windows)
  • Hiding of password control value for application logic (Windows)
Hidden password value in debugger


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