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Release notes Universal GUI 2024.2.11

Related products: Universal GUI
Release notes Universal GUI 2024.2.11

June 10, 2024:

  • Full release 2024.2.11

We solved two issues that had been introduced in the 2024.2.11 release candidate:

  •  The pop-up of a marker in the Maps screen component would not show up properly, especially after switching documents. This has been fixed.
  •  An issue could occur in some specific scenarios, such as applying sorting in a grid within a document but also in some other scenarios. After closing the document, the application would stop working, and the user would be presented with a crash report submission form. This has been fixed. Now, the user can continue using the application normally after closing the document.


Hello everyone,

In this release, we added the ability to start a process flow from within a custom component. We also made some performance improvements, added general keyboard shortcuts for pop-ups and a confirmation when closing a lookup or pop-up. Lastly, we solved some issues.



As always, we have made a demo for you: try it here. Before trying it out, press 'Clear Cache' on the login screen.

Read the Universal GUI user interface guide to familiarize yourself with the GUI.


Universal GUI version 2024.2.11

For more information about setting up the Universal GUI, see the Universal GUI setup guide.


  • Use a modern browser to access the Universal GUI, e.g., a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari mobile.
  • Deploy the Universal GUI on the same server as Indicium or an allowed origin in appsettings.json.
  • The Universal GUI only works with version 2022.1 and up of the Thinkwise Platform.
  • Run all hotfixes on IAM and the Software Factory that you plan to use for the Universal GUI.
  • Use the latest version of Indicium.

Download the Universal GUI version 2024.2.11 here




New and changed

Start process flow from within a custom component


You can now start a process flow from within a custom component by sending an instruction to the Universal GUI. For example:

type: 'startProcessFlow',
processFlowId: 'refresh_document_detail_from_component',
dataParams: {}
}, '*');

The process flow needs to be a deeplink process flow. See Deep linking in a process flow. The Universal GUI allows origins from the same master domain, for example, *


If you introduce custom screens or custom components into your application, you will also introduce a piece of traditional programming. If you are making changes to your model, the Software Factory will not alert you about the use of process flows and their parameters in your custom components. It is your responsibility to put a change process in place for this. For more information, see Custom screens.


Performance improvements


We have upgraded our general component library, which has resulted in performance improvements.

Actions that triggered multiple re-draws of the interface now update the interface once. We also expect an improved grid edit-mode experience, although we have planned more improvements in this area in the upcoming sprints.

Also, switching between documents and tabs looks much calmer now. Forms position their editors directly in the right place now. The same goes for (detail) tiles.


General keyboard shortcuts for pop-ups


You can now use the following keyboard shortcuts when interacting with a pop-up:

  • Esc - Cancel
  • Ctrl + Enter - Confirm


Confirmation when closing a lookup or pop-up


Previously, when users edited a record and clicked on one of the buttons, the lookup or pop-up would close without any confirmation. This could result in them losing their changes. Now, when users edit a record and try to close it, they are asked if they want to discard their changes or return and finish editing.


Minor fixes and tasks

  • If the page size was set to -1, paging would incorrectly be presented by the Universal GUI. This has been fixed.
  • If the checkbox Allow sort was cleared, users were unable to manually change the column width in the grid. This has been fixed.
  • A lookup editor in an editable form or as a task parameter was emptied when the value was entered before the dropdown list options were loaded and the control was left. For example, when copy-pasting or barcode scanning. Now, the value remains and is matched once the dropdown list options are received.
  • We have fixed an issue in the form where any field with Field number of positions further = 0 would disappear if placed directly after a file upload field.
  • The Max no. of records indicator was not translated. Now, the indicator will display "There are more records than can be displayed".
  • An issue could occur in the card list when the page size and the maximum number of rows were set to zero or a negative number. This has been fixed. With these values, there will be only one page with all the records.

Fixes for process flows:

  • A process flow that starts with activating a detail tab would sometimes start multiple times. This has been fixed.
  • When a task had Await result set to No and a process flow would use this task as Start table task, the process flow would not continue after executing the task. This has been fixed.

Fixes for slower connections:

  • Sometimes, especially on slower connections, quickly changing the active row would cause the detail tab to break and no longer show data unless manually refreshed. This has been fixed.

  • On a slower connection, the data on a detail grid could be out of sync when switching between multiple records. This has been fixed.

  • On a slower connection, detail tab data could be out of sync after switching to the parent record and back. This can be fixed by adding the following option to config.json:

    "disableTabPageCaching": true,

    Only use this option when you experience the mentioned issue since it lowers performance.


What we will be working on next release

The next release will be about:

  • Solving issues - For the status of your own issues, please refer to TCP.
  • Improved default edit mode - Closing a document will allow the user to cancel their current changes and errors.
  • Performance improvements.
  • Set filter from process flow - The filter form in a process flow was no longer displayed as a user filter. We will address this issue.
  • HTTPS Security warning - When the Universal GUI is started over plain HTTP, it will give a warning that the connection is not secure.


Questions or suggestions?

Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community!