release notes

Release notes Thinkwise Upcycler 2023.1.10

Related products: Upcycler
Release notes Thinkwise Upcycler 2023.1.10

Hello everyone,

In this release, we have added support for the Thinkwise Platform release 2023.1. Consult the platform release notes in addition to these for the Upcycler.




New and changed

Data import from every file storage type

We have added functionality to make data import possible from any file storage type available in the Thinkwise Platform.

In IAM, in the application called THINKWISE_UPCYCLER, a file storage location called upcycler_files is available. By default, its file storage type is 'File system'. You can change it to the type you need.


‘Project'  and ‘project version’ renamed

In accordance with the changes in the Software Factory, we have replaced 'project' and 'project version' with 'model' and 'branch' in all the screens in which they were used. 

Also, in all Generic and Technology scripts, 'project' and 'project_vrs' have been replaced with 'model' and 'branch'.


In two places, you need to replace 'project' and 'project_vrs'  with 'model' and 'branch' yourself, if necessary:

  • In all application-specific scripts (for Upcycler runs, Data import runs, and Enrichment analysis runs).
  • In your own Upcycler scripts.


Branches renamed

In the screen *Applications*, the creation branch is now called 'MAIN' instead of 'project version 1.00'.

The same applies to the task *Execute enrichment analysis’; the default branch is now called 'MAIN' instead of 'project version 1.00'.


Questions or suggestions?

Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community!