release notes

Release notes Indicium (2023.2.11)

Related products: Indicium Service Tier
Release notes Indicium (2023.2.11)

 Hello everyone,

In this sprint, we have added support for searching without accents and case sensitivity and a {url} parameter for reset password and two-factor authentication emails.

You can read more about Indicium's features in the Indicium user manual.


About Indicium

Two types of the Thinkwise Indicium Application Tier are available:

  • Indicium: for use with the Universal GUI and via APIs. This version uses the full range of Indicium functionality.
    Download Indicium release 2023.2.11 here.

  • Indicium Basic: for use with the Windows GUI. This basic version does not support, for example, system flows and OpenID.
    2023.2.11 is not available for Indicium Basic.




Ignore accents and casing

Indicium now supports searching without accents and case sensitivity. It works the same way as in the Windows GUI: just add the IgnoreDiacritcs extended property to your application.

For more information, see the Extended Properties guide.

{url} parameter available for reset password and two-factor authentication emails

We have added a new parameter to the mail templates for the reset password and two-factor authentication functionality in IAM (menu Settings > Global settings > tab Email templates). The {url} parameter contains the full URL to the reset password or two-factor authentication page, with the query strings filled in. That way, the user does not have to fill in the reset or the two-factor code.

If Indicium is hosted with two or more different domains, the {url} parameter will return to the domain from which it was called. So, if reset password or two-factor authentication is called on the URL, then the {url} will also refer to

The previously available parameters will still be available, and this new one will make it easier to create a link in the email without creating the whole URL manually.


Minor fixes and tasks

  • We have fixed an issue that would occur if a column in the base definition of a table had a `default_value` (with a database constraint) and that same column did not have a `default_value` in a variant definition of that table.
    When inserting a record via the variant with a `NULL` value for that column, the default value would still be applied by the database server, because the column was omitted from the insert statement.
    Now, the column will no longer be omitted from the insert statement in this scenario, causing the `NULL` value to be inserted explicitly.


Questions or suggestions?

Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community!.