release notes

Release notes Indicium (2022.1.17)

Related products: Indicium Service Tier
Release notes Indicium (2022.1.17)

Hello everyone,

In this sprint, we fixed an issue. Furthermore, we are working hard on features for the upcoming 2022.2 Thinkwise platform release and features that take multiple sprints to build, for example, horizontal scaling.

You can read more about Indicium's features in theĀ Indicium user manual.

We will keep you updated regularly about Indicium's progress.

Contents of this release


Install Indicium 2022.1.17 together with Universal 2022.1.14 (BETA)

In this release, we slightly changed the logout interaction between the Universal GUI and Indicium Universal to fix some redirecting issues.

If you install this Indicium 2022.1.17 release, you must also install the Universal 2022.1.14 (BETA) release

Indicium Universal

Minor fixes and tasks

In the Universal GUI, look-ups based on an unauthorized look-up column did not refresh automatically. This has been fixed. Indicium now correctly instructs the Universal GUI to refresh the look-up column.