release notes

Release notes Indicium (2021.3.15)

Related products: Indicium Service Tier
Release notes Indicium (2021.3.15)

Hello everyone,

In this sprint, we added, among other things, a Cancel button to the login pages. In addition, we built support for password changes from RDBMS users. We also fixed a rare issue that might possibly be breaking.

You can read the Indicium user manual to read about Indicium's features.

We will keep you updated regularly about Indicium's progress.


Contents of this release




Indicium Universal: fixed dependent lookups being cleared erroneously in rare situations

In this release, we have addressed an issue that caused lookups filtered by expression columns to become empty in certain situations when they should not have. In particular, this issue would occur if the expression value changed and the dependent lookup got a new, valid value in the default procedure. Indicium Universal would not respect the value set in the default procedure and clear the dependent lookup. This scenario is quite rare, and the changes that we have made to address it are fairly subtle, but they are technically breaking changes, so please be aware of this. Below you will find a description of the old behavior versus the new situation.

Old behavior:

  1. Apply default logic.
  2. Validate all editable lookups that were set in the default procedure.
  3. Validate all editable lookups that are dependent on properties that were set in the default procedure.
  4. Reevaluate the expression properties with the current state of the resource.
  5. Validate all non-expression lookups that depend on an expression property whose value has changed.

New behavior:

  1. Apply default logic.
  2. Reevaluate the expression properties with the current state of the resource.
  3. Validate all editable lookups that were set in the default procedure or are expressions whose value changed.
  4. Validate all editable lookups that are dependent on properties that were set in the default procedure or expressions whose value changed.


Indicium Universal


Change password from RDBMS users

Indicium Universal now supports password changes from RDBMS users. This was already available for Windows and Web.


SQL print statements available in log

If a stored procedure contains a print statement, it will now show up in the dbeventlog in Indicium's root page. We made a new column that contains all the print statement messages.


Login pages have an extra button for cancel

We improved the behavior of the different login pages and now allow canceling the login flow.
For instance, when you try to log in and are presented with the two-factor validation page, you can now cancel the login and return to the original page. This also applies to the change password page and the two-factor setup page.


Minor fixes and tasks

  • We fixed the issue that parameters were not replaced in messages thrown from triggers.
  • We fixed that the id_token_hint parameter was not sent along with the OpenID Connect remote logout requests. This did not cause issues with Microsoft Azure AD integration, but it did cause issues while logging out with other OpenID Connect implementations. These issues have now been resolved.
  • We fixed an issue that caused that dependent lookups were not imported correctly. When translating the display values of a lookup from the Excel or CSV file back to their data values for the inserts/updates into the database, it would not take the context of the lookup into account. For example, the display value 'Subproject 1' would be resolved to the same data value regardless of the corresponding project.


Indicium Basic


Minor fixes and tasks

  • We fixed a bug when a record was updated in a table with a prefilter on an expression field. Indicium would throw an exception in that case.
  • We fixed an issue with default value expressions that returned DateTime types. For example, having a column with a default value expression of 'GETDATE()' would cause an error.