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Hello everyone,

in this sprint, we improved the import functionality and updated the Thinkwise Reporting Service. Moreover, it is now possible to simulate a user. This can be a powerful tool for testing the access control or debug an issue with a specific user.

You can read the Indicium user manual to read about Indicium's features.

We'll keep you updated regularly about Indicium's progress.


Indicium Universal


Importing subjects with untranslated lookups

It is now possible to import into a subject that contains untranslated lookups.


Multiple results from a single query in the application connector

The application connector can now retrieve multiple result sets from a single query. If multiple result sets are detected, the application connector will retrieve them and put them in a single JSON file. This can be used for a stored procedure that you want to use in the application connector, returning multiple result sets.


User simulation in Indicium

As of version 2021.3 of the Thinkwise Platform, which will be released very soon, it is possible to simulate a user if you are an administrator or a simulation administrator. User simulation can be a powerful tool for testing the access control or debug an issue with a specific user. It is also available in IAM.

With the proper rights to simulate a user, you see a new link on the root page of Indicium: User simulation.

New link: User simulation

When you click the User simulation link, you navigate to the page where you select the user you want to simulate from the drop-down list. Then, press Simulate.

The user simulation

When you're ready with the simulation, press the Stop simulation button.

It is visible on the root page of Indicium that you're impersonating a user:

The user simulation in the root page

It is also possible to simulate a user via the API by using the following call. It will return the user you're simulating. If you're not simulating, it will return the status code NoContent.

GET account/api/usersimulation

This call will start the simulation for the selected user and return the status code Ok when the simulation succeeds. If not, you will receive a badRequest with the error message.

PATCH account/api/usersimulation

Request body:

"simulated_user": "{username you want to simulate}"

To stop the user simulation, send the following command:

DELETE account/api/usersimulation


Disable "Forgot your password"

From now on, it is possible to disable the Forget your password? link on the Indicium login page by adding the following JSON property to your appsettings.json.

"LoginOptions": { "AllowPasswordForget": false }

When the AllowPasswordForget property is set to false, the Forget your password? link is disabled. Also, the Forget your password page or API cannot be used any longer.


Thinkwise Reporting Service version 5

We also released a new version of the Thinkwise Reporting Service, version 5. It contains some improvements and bugfixes:

  • For Crystal Reports, the Thinkwise Reporting Service can now detect and use any 64-bit service pack (so, also service pack 26 and higher).
  • For DevExpress Reports, we updated libraries to enable parameters for data sources using stored procedures. We also fixed that a parameter dialog appeared if not all parameters had received a value from rpt_get_parmtrs. Finally, DevExpress is now an accepted value (instead of TR) for report_type in rpt_get_reports.
  • Two general settings are available now:
    • PrinterNameCaseSensitive: sets whether printer names should be case sensitive.
    • PrinterTrayCaseSensitive: sets whether printer tray names should be case sensitive.

.NET Framework 4.8 is the new prerequisite for the Reporting Service. For more information on the new and changed prerequisites, configuration, logging, installation, and upgrading, see Reporting Service.




Minor fixes and tasks

  • On some occasions, an OpenIDConnect provider can throw an error. These errors are now correctly handled by Indicium, so a message is shown on the login page. It won't give away details as it might contain sensitive information.
  • Logging in to an IAM user without a configured password would show an HTTP error instead of a message. This has been fixed.
  • The maximum file size in a storage configuration for files over 2GB didn't work correctly. This has been fixed.



Is this Indicium 2021.3 version backwards compatible with TSF version2021.2?

Is this Indicium 2021.3 version backwards compatible with TSF version2021.2?

Hi Jaap, This version is indeed compatible with 2021.2. New versions are always backwards compatible as specified in the Lifecycle policy.

With the proper rights to simulate a user, you see a new link on the root page of Indicium: User simulation.

None of our Main Administrators in IAM see the link on the Indicium 2021.3.10 page in our environment. Adding the Simulation Administrator role doesn't make a difference either. What are the ‘proper rights’?

Updating rows when importing

When importing data from an Excel or CSV file, it was already possible to insert rows. Now, you can instruct Indicium to only update rows from the Excel or CSV file and not insert new ones into the database. This is similar to the import functionality in the Windows and Web GUI.

How do we ‘instruct Indicium to only update rows'?

Hello Arie,

That's strange, main administrators should be see the User simulation link on the root page of Indicium after having signed in.

Indicium bases the availability of the User simulation link on the following property of the i_api_usr view of the IAM database.

select usr_id, simulation_admin
from i_api_usr

Note that the i_api_usr view automatically filters on the signed in user. The simulation_admin column is in turn based on either of the following two query's giving a result:

select 1 
from usr_root_admin a
where a.tenant_id = 1
and a.usr_id = @usr_id
and (a.begin_on is null or a.begin_on <= sysdatetime())
and (a.end_on is null or a.end_on >= sysdatetime())

select 1
from usr_simulation_admin a
where a.tenant_id = 1
and a.usr_id = @usr_id
and (a.begin_on is null or a.begin_on <= sysdatetime())
and (a.end_on is null or a.end_on >= sysdatetime())

If the link is not available, you can try to run these query's on the IAM database to find why that might be the case.

As for updating records when importing, this feature should not have made it to the release notes. I will edit them to remove this part. This feature didn't make it into this release. It will be in the next release, however, the Universal GUI still needs to implement the API. Until then, it will only be available when directly calling Indicium's API in order to do the import. I will add a description of the API in the next release notes.

I hope this helps.

@Vincent Doppenberg The query results on the IAM database are as expected. But on the i_api_usr view in IAM I see no reference to a simulation_admin column. Is there a hotfix missing perhaps? We ran the latest hotfixes on Monday 27th of September.

Hello Arie,

The release notes have failed to mention that the user simulation feature will be available as of version 2021.3 of the Thinkwise Platform, which will be released very soon. Until you have performed the upgrade to this version, this feature will not be available.

I will update the release notes to add this. Our apologies for the inconvenience caused by this.